Probably to cover up rape allegations.
Probably to cover up rape allegations.
I find it hilarious that in this “OMG THEY ARE SO OLD WHY ARE THEY STILL ALIVE AND LOOK AT HOW OLD THEY ARE LOOK AT THEIR OLD FACES!” article they go for a quote from Dick van Dyke, who is every bit as old, and say nothing about his age or looks.
But why are the Metro Police even investing so much resources into investigating a pro-union anti-racism activist group? I would be livid that my tax dollars went to pay for spying on a completely legal, completely benign group.
I feel for her. What a nasty, devastating shock that must have been to find out. Also, I feel pretty terrible for “Neri”’s wife, too. I wonder if she knew what he was doing... I assume since he was undercover he couldn’t give too many details, but getting engaged to and living with another woman - and for two years -…
I will never understand how people seem to think that someone saying "Black lives matter" somehow means "everyone else's life doesn’t" like what kind of mental gymnastics does someone go through to need to shout ALL LIVES MATTER in response?
If MLK was alive today, he would be the face of the TEA Party!
“All lives matter” is the smarmiest, most disingenuous erasure of a movement that malicious and clueless white people could have come up with. To apply this to Dr. King, his work, or his life is almost violent in its untruth. Fuck this parade of assholes in the ear.
I think it’s all of the above. I guarantee her weight has always been an “issue” if she were to go to acting exclusively. Case in point, Ron Howard’s daughter having one size 6 option gown sent to her for the Golden Globes, hence she bought off the rack. It’s not subtle...every actress famous r is the same size with…
The disgusting collaboration of so many people to keep this man from his just punishment is astounding. The hypocrisy, the victim blaming, the denial, the COLLECTIVE’s all part and parcel of the process. And yet, of everything I just read, the fact that Bill Cosby referred to Qualudes as “friends” is what…
He mainly tweets about video games and family. Honestly he and coco seem like genuinely good people even if his son always looks funny trying to look hard in photos with his dad.
Maybe we could raise the standards if hollywood didn’t fail this rudimentary test the vast majority of the time.
They're all such caricatures of themselves already....
I’m certain I’ll get flamed for this, but I halfway agree with you. I feel for the husband’s co-star however...who knows what kind of bullshit he told her...Anyway, I must be at least half a piece of shit because I could see myself compromising my integrity if I was in the same boat.
Wait until your husband repeatedly cheats on you without protection and then come talk to me about how much integrity you’ll have, ladies. This man risked her life. He could have passed on serious sexually transmitted diseases which could kill or or render her unable to have children because she wouldn’t know (being…
She’ll always be Zina from Ryan’s Hope to me.
I love NH state politics. 400 state legislators from 204 districts, so each representative only represents 3,300 people on average. And it’s a part-time unpaid job (legislators are paid $100 a year, the rate set in 1889 and unchanged ever since) so many of the people involved are just local businesspeople and…
Seriously, I was more offended by the fact that this guy could neither comprehend the policy nor clearly articulate an argument against is than I was by any of the content of this.
John Burt is the kind of guy who thinks the ladies should be lucky he’s paying attention to them. He’s also the co-worker that everyone groans inwardly when he speaks up at staff meetings.
Is he capable of speaking without it sounding like he’s acting? I’ve seen more convincingly natural performances in high school theater. I know that all candidates are putting on a show to a degree, but his constantly cloying delivery is really troubling. I genuinely suspect that he’s a psychopath, in the technical…
This girl sounds incredibly bad ass, and so does her mother. And fuck the fucking misogynistic media.