Guarantee “Hollywood” would give no fucks if Aloha was a box office smash. They’re only concerned about cultural sensitivity now because it flopped. It’s about the money.
Guarantee “Hollywood” would give no fucks if Aloha was a box office smash. They’re only concerned about cultural sensitivity now because it flopped. It’s about the money.
THR mentions Warner Bros, which was already walking on egg shells with its Peter Pancastings, given the original play’s “racial insensitivities”
Honestly, in Hawai’i? I’d imagine finding an actress who is 1/4 Asian, 1/4 Hawaiian, and 1/2 Caucasian would actually be something they could have done.
Anonymous producer: “If you’re going to wait around to find the perfect actress who is a quarter Asian, and not just a quarter Asian but a quarter Hawaiian Asian, you will never cast your movie.”
Oh for fuck’s sake already with that “best actress for the part” bullshit. Fuck off, source working on the Peter Pan remake.
The thing about Lilith Fair, the first go-round, was that it actually ended up further marginalizing the women artists, because it caused “women’s radio stations” to pop up and women artists who would have been played prior to this on regular alt-radio were then relegated to “the woman playlist.” I think the best…
believe you me. there was a whole buzzfeed article written because i dared challenge the misogyny in boregore’s music in a rolling stone review...
next step: civil suit?
“Chapman also said that “evidence did not warrant” charges against the state’s Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control agents involved in the arrest.”
Bring Back Lillith Fair, 2016
Or you could have been wrong (e.g., if you had come across GS’ family), and that would be pretty fucked and offensive.
It's the cool girl syndrome in the professional sphere.
Hell, look at W. or the current crop of GOP candidates. “The best” is code for male and white.
I work in the “fintech” industry. The current environment is actually less sexist than previous places I’ve worked in the industry , and from talking with people my age in finance, tech, and legal industries it all sounds pretty similar in how women are treated.
The past week I’ve been asking myself why I feel like I’m failing, all the time, when in reality I’m a top performer at my computer, well known in the industry I work in, have a fantastic boyfriend and friendships and find time to exercise regularly and take up other activities (painting, volunteering, etc).
Thank you. I’ve never understood the freakout factor of that word. I never even knew that it was apparently verboten until I had a boss totally go nuts when I used it during a conversation several years ago. Trust me, I can think of much more upsetting words.
Can you imagine a teacher that feels this way teaching black students? How do you think she interacts with them, grades them, punishes them? There’s a reason why black children are more likely to be recommended for special ed —teachers/administrators that believe in segregation.
Well, they are the ones teaching children, so.....
This is the tackiest, laziest bullshit I have ever seen. And that includes that one bride who castigated a wedding guest for bringing the wrong gift or the one who yelled at the guest who brought the gourmet basket of things that the bride hated the shit out of.
I know, right? "Thank god this 4-year-old white girl told us the true story. Otherwise we would have had to put this guy in jail with no evidence, no prior history of violence and no motive."