
As a general guideline, if you haven't dealt with skin conditions that cause other people to harass and exclude you on a regular basis, you probably shouldn't tell other women who have had that experience that their decision to wear makeup in order to get through the day without facing that harassment is the "wrong"

Yeah, my reaction to the first question was along the same lines. That's misogyny, girl. Figure out why you hate women so much and get on with your life.

How about "Redskins?"

I would literally have no idea poop shame was a thing if not for the internet. I go when I need to go. Sure, there's some mild embarrassment if you're in there so long you should be paying rent, but life is full of mild embarrassments and part of being a functional adult is realizing nobody notices yours 98% of the

I learned as a parlor trick.

Who are you people that can shit on command?

Music doesn't belong to men. Men don't get to exclude women from music. That's not a thing. Sorry brah.

Hey bud, replace that with any other group, and you sound like a total ass.

I had a day yesterday that speaks to this so perfectly. First I had to listen to my male coworker - who never shuts up - try to teach me about my own job, then I had to listen to a male faculty member "teach" me (I'm a univ. librarian) about research in his area (already knew 99% of it, but he acted like I was just

How about this?

The family gets his retirement and dependent benefits. He gets his ass sent to jail. Problem solved, and now cases like this have legal precedence.

Oh, now he cares about his family. What an upstanding guy. /sarcasm

The pension galls me almost as much as the lack of prison time. All of us will be paying this sack of crap for decades.

Don't mind them, they're being petty. :)

"It's because of you I continue to work. Thank you! : )"

Hillary wasn't calling out Texas. Besides, Texas does enough shit to legitimately be called out on.

The only sad part is that it's mostly kids, who had no choice, who get to suffer the choices of their idiot parents.

The reason that measles is in the population to get caught by people too young to get vaccinated is that ANTIVAXXERS ARE DESTROYING HERD IMMUNITY.

I dunno — I think caffeine takes it all. Maybe caffeine vs. weed in the championship.

Just when I think there can't possibly be a joke that makes me laugh on this thread, bam! There's cassie.