
I totally agree with this advice. Make yourself the food you want, carefully pack up the leftovers for your lunch at work the next day, and let him fend for himself. He really needs to learn that both partners have to help when both partners benefit.

It's a gross misrepresentation for her to suggest Life Change is anything other than a tax shelter. That isn't charity, it's a redistribution of wealth between family.

Yes. This. So basically she got more publicity and a significantly larger group of people bidding on her auction because they were under the assumption it was all going to the Philippines, but instead, she kept 90% of the PROFIT for herself. And then she condescendingly tells all the plebs how ebay and paypal

Why are you giving her free PR? She contributes nothing to the society as far as I know. We don't know if her donations are true a selfless act.

Kris Jenner is cofounder of Life Change Community Church. This family is actually the worst.

If he's actually eating what you cooked, then he clearly benefited from you cooking, and should at least help with the clean-up. It's totally irrelevant that he could hypothetically have eaten a frozen dinner instead- he didn't.

"You've said this many times, it's not getting any truer."

Yes. You are so above it all. How utterly convenient, again, that the partner with higher cleanliness standards is overwhelmingly women.

If you're sharing space with someone, you need to agree on X level of cleanliness and then work equitably to achieve that. You can't just not clean shit because you have no standards. Remember: asking somebody to help maintain something THEY USE (shared space) isn't drafting them into a lifetime of slavery and woe

The problem is the constant conflation of "nudity" with "sexual". Not all nudity is sexual, and not all people are sexual.

Yeah, and it just so happens that the "lazy person" in the relationship tends to be male, and so all the work gets displaced on women because

That makes a lot of sense, actually. Thanks for the heads up. I might still try, because what's a few wasted hours trying to change the mind of someone determined not to hear you, right? But at least I won't be so downhearted when it doesn't work!

One of my biggest pet peeves is how many of my males friends brag about intentionally fucking up chores. I had a science teacher who said the first week he and his wife moved in together he intentioned put bleach in the wash and ruined all her clothes so she would never "let" him do chores again. This was not a unique

This allows for a particularly nasty game of chicken, where a lazy person sits back and waits for their partner to give in and do all the cleaning. Sorry. Nope. Not a way that people who are worth staying in a relationship with behave. Pick your own chores that you'll actually do and make sure they're a fair share.

"This guy has the emotional maturity and intellectual prowess of a freshman philosophy major"

whiny man-child, Imma let you finish, but Kobi Levi has the best shoes of ALL TIME:

This project could have been AMAZING. The shoes are really cool, and I don't at all mind the concept, actually. The accompanying stories, however, are insufferable. This guy has the emotional maturity and intellectual prowess of a freshman philosophy major who insists his teachers all give him Cs because they're

I want to hate them because he seems insufferable (and the picture thing is beneath contempt), but I like the majority of the shoes.

ITA. I'm unsure as to why anyone with a lick of pop culture savvy would be surprised by this choice.

at 44, she's still amazingly gorgeous.