
Let's not forget the scenario where the married guy doesn't tell the girl he's married. When they are young it can take a minute for them to figure it out. By then they are in looooove and it's harder for them to do the right thing. I remember the tears when this happened to a girlfriend many years ago when she was they married/stayed married to the guys who cheated on them and blamed the other woman rather than the dude who stuck his dick where it didn't belong? Good job ladies.

Yeah, it's pretty much the husbands who are wrecking the homes. It's not the other woman's job to keep him faithful to his wife, it's his job. If you want to shame anyone, shame the husband.

Lower than the spouse they slept with?

I really hope some of that screaming was directed at the husbands that obviously had as much or more to do with these affairs in the first place?

Let's not assume F-F-M is the default. From a hetero POV, M-F-M threesomes are great! Suggesting this to a man who brings up the subject is also a handy litmus test to see if he's truly open to adventure or just cheesy.

No, go read the article again. What it tells you is that men are involved in more accidents than women.

What it tells me is that women get into more fender benders, but men kill themselves and other other people all the damn time through aggressive and reckless driving. So yes, women do get into more accidents, but the magnitude of those accidents is generally much less severe.

Three people who happened to be the leaders of the free world. But no biggie. You're right.

Jesus Christ, so if I was pregnant the father gets to choose where I do and do not go?? Because I am kidnapping my child from him?

I'm angry about this case because of the specifics, not just because a father won a custody battle.

We mock the clothes but not the bodies.

I don't think any of us really know what gets you out of the grey. It's definitely not regular, non-trolly posting.

I only gave a few episodes in before quitting in disgust.

I love that she never shames her daughter and completely just stands up for her. She is a great mom.

How can we help? What can we do? Do you need more people working with you remotely on research and advocacy. Are you working on national or local legislation? Let us know if there are resources that you need help with. I know that there are plenty who would be happy to.

Brav-fucking-o. This is both terrifying and uplifting. Thank you for taking action to give some power back to these victims. You are one smart, motivated, ballsy woman, who anyone would want in their corner at a time of crisis. I hope you write a best-selling novel and get huge bucks for the movie rights to boot,

I want to hug this woman and Anonymous for their help. Seriously. I'm in awe of this amazingly brilliant woman.

This is the most fascinating thing I have ever read on Jezebel. Holy shit that is so scary.

This is a tribute to what a devoted mom can accomplish and is incredibly bad ass.