
maybe a nitpicky point but i am glad they are focusing on the victims in the news rather than the shooter. he deserves no attention. he is not special. he is a racist murderer that deserves a fair trial and then to be put away for the rest of his life. nothing more.

You...didn’t see them go burn down a bunch of tents? You didn’t catch the obvious beating of that point into you when Davos knew that exactly 20 men did the burning and horse killing?

Listening to Rick Santorum say that is like Ike Turner saying “domestic violence is a real problem in this country”.

True story, I starred you earlier this morning on my way to work and I tried to star you again just now. All the stars for you. You’re made of star stuff.

I used to think that too. But now I’m pretty sure the self-hating/self-flagellating psychosis runs so deep; this is how they’d want to be treated. If driving them from your door drives them to heaven, aren’t you doing them a favor?

Wow, that's original ;p

Is his name not Bruce then? That's going to cause some confusion ... What if we called him Bruce just to keep it clear?

How about making Bitch Pudding a real character? Seriously, I'd totally watch that.

I have to disagree. I tend to read queer fanfic because as a queer woman there still isn't much main stream media representations of the kinds of relationships I have. I want to read about people who are overcoming the kinds of challenges I encounter and enjoying the kinds of things that I enjoy, and that looks

If we're talking about appreciating storylines, sure. To the extent that some of this material is also enjoyed as sexual fantasy, I don't think that works. I can enjoy a femslash story for its writing and characterization, but I'm never going to linger over the sex scenes in the same way as I would a story that has at

Or if the sex is really hot.

It's porn, though. Who cares if people like it specifically because it's gay.

I'm allergic to shellfish and once, in a Yum Cha restaurant, I asked the server if there was seafood in a particular dish. She answered no, so I happily took a basket. It wasn't until I was unable to breathe properly and we were trying to determine what I may have inadvertently eaten that she said, when questioned

I did get "stern" with a server once. I was eating with friends, one had a pretty good shellfish allergy. She ordered a steak. When it arrived, it had two shrimps on it. We asked the server about it because shrimp wasn't mentioned on the menu. She explained that the chef was in a good mood and had "fancied" up the

I think most servers are pretty sympathetic to people with legitimate allergies. When you claim that you'll "literally die" if you eat gluten, then order bread filled with it, then they think you're an asshole.

I believe it means "make a persuasive argument." I looked it up and guessed, based on context.

I always thought you had to be in the NYT Sunday crossword to truly make it.