Does this count as Godwin's Law?
Does this count as Godwin's Law?
America must rise up against the Japanese invasion!!!
or you know... they use a wheelbarrow because they want to get him places in somewhat less time than the heat death of the universe.
Some of those keepers look awfully young to be wombat veterans.
I'm pretty sure Kirk didn't get Baby Jesus' memo that we're supposed to celebrate Saturnalia now.
That's when he sticks his fingers in his ears shouting "La, la, la, la I can't hear you" while wildly shaking his head.
Agreed. I'm Catholic but I fully support pagans wrenching Winter Solstice from the clutches of Christianity and reclaiming their holiday. Ditto Easter.
some Christians, yes. But I was raised Methodist and was well aware of the roots of Christmas and the fact that December was really Jesus' birthday. People in my church appeared to accept this as fact, as well. Easter, too. Actually, some fundamentalist sects of Christianity don't celebrate Christmas at all…
You would think he would have rudimentary access to the internet by now right?! I can see him trying to use one of his bogarted AOL floppy disks to try to get on the internet that he has heard is full of porn and anti-Christmas fervor.
He knows, hes just kinda shoved actual history into a dark, heavily censored section of his mind.
He seems to be under the impression that Christy Christmas came first and then the pagans "hijacked" it? So I guess fundamentalists aren't really into history either. But maybe that's not a surprise considering they think the world is only like 800 years old.
He actually brings that up IN THE TRAILER.... but I don't know how he answers it. One guy brings up a lot of really good points, and then Kirk Cameron is just like "yeah, but Santa and Jesus were tight, and DANCE PARTY!"
That's not true! It was all lies!!! December is Jesus' s bday! he doesn't.
Puppy party takeover!
Would watch.
Who put the Froot Loops way up there?
I'm thoroughly aware that I'm in the minority here, but I find Hotline Miami's delirious neon-drenched…