The Pikachu exhibit at my local zoo.
The Pikachu exhibit at my local zoo.
This looks like the most generic stupid moe shit ever.
Man, I wish I could have gotten professional pics of my Pikachu Libre costume.
How does this woman know that Hilary Clinton doesn’t have her own “magic sauce?” And Hilary could very well be a squirter.
I have to agree with Lost Village. It looked to be a a great premise, but it’s slow and the huge amount of characters drag it down. Not to mention the monster is lame and I don’t understand why the characters act the way they do. (Yes, obviously insane girl who demands they “execute” anyone or thing they don't like.…
Yeah, I was really looking forward to this one and they’ve strayed so far from the manga I’m having trouble watching it.
Both sides are fruitbatshit crazy.
Every time I see a picture of that highway going through the building I am I’m in awe.
Doesn't candy corn count as a vegetable?
Isn’t Alien Wasteland the shitty game Nerdcubed was able to beat in ten minutes without actually encountering or killing any aliens? You know, the whole point of the game?
Since he’s a Sumatran tiger I wonder if the boy will be at our zoo eventually. We’re kind of a holding zoo for some of the Sumatran male tigers in the SSP.
I love this show because everyone seems to respect each other.
This man is better at a single video game then I will be at all of the video games I ever play.
Just make a shit ton of deviled eggs.
No Lobo the Duck?
Was- was there really doubt on this fact? I may not like his parents, but the kid is adorable.
To be fair, tortoises are fucking horny little buggers. I saw one once that had deposited food on the back of the female’s shell, so he could snack while fucking.
In the case of a dog, the pants should NOT cover the butt and butthole. Having the butthole free for sniffing by others is essential!
For a long time the Bedford Heights Planned Parenthood shared a sign with the auto shop that (at the time) was next to it. One half of the diamond sign was for PP, the other was for the auto shop. The halves weren’t distinguished well though, so it looked like it was all one business: Planned Parenthood Tire and Lube.
Fuck, Konami. Seriously, just fuck ‘em.