
Just... Why?

Are people even able to download updates for their new consoles? And won't a ton of these systems or games not allow you to play unless you download all the updates? So yeah you guys essentially fucked over every kid that got an X-box One or PS4.

The Akron Zoo also had a virgin birth. The keepers came in once to find an extra smaller Amazon River shark swimming in among our all female group.

Reign? Really? Someone's taking those Kardashians = American royalty comments a bit too seriously.

We need an FF8 remake with a Dog Cam RIGHT NOW.

Hell, it'd be a perfect way to make canon the fan theory that "James Bond" is a title that gets passed down instead of a particular person.

Why in god's name is that man wearing a ghillie suit with a fucking Santa cape over it? Fuck these guys and the fucking trains they road in on. Those poor protestors.

Oh, what a vicious and dangerous animal that pit bull is!

What does that mean tho?

Do the Germans just like weird fetish calendars or something?

I just named a cat Snickerdoodle. I doubt that makes the list for top cat names of 2014.

No one likes Anne anymore. ;_;

Liking dicks doesn't give you the freedom to be one to others.

What a wonderful expression they gave her in that last photo!

Lady, this is a turkey pardoning. Not a State of the Union address. As long as they're not actually killing turkeys in the background then at least they're doing better than Palin.

Uh, I love Joel McHale, but this is the same channel that brought us Assqueen McInternetbreaker and her brood.

stuffing the taco?

I once dreamed I took Sailor Moon on a tour of Hell. That was an odd dream.

Don't you need to be mentioned in the Simpsons or South Park to truly make it?

Can we ban everything but service fraternities?