
So pleased to see Residente recognised for his fucking insanely good album.

Welcome! Oh man, I know exactly the conversation you’re talking about. I’ve had it too. Some men are keen to call themselves allies but aren’t willing to do even basic work for it, and what they really want is a short-cut to a time where sexism is no longer a problem (wouldn’t that be great!) because living the

Apparently also (as I’ve just learned), fertility.

True, many of those countries have a more ceremonial president, like Germany does, with a prime minister as head of government.

Two of her newly elected Labour colleagues also had babies around the election. See them in this adorable video with the Speaker of the House, who is a total baby whisperer:

Not entirely true on the Commonwealth thing - there are number of countries which are members but republics, like South Africa and India. But I think most still have the Queen as head of state.

Oh my God, those ear tufts!!! I can’t even handle them right now!

I still haven’t seen that one, but can believe it of him. On a similar note, I remember being relatively impressed by Alan Cumming’s brief German in whatever X-Men movie he was in, but again he’s Alan fucking Cumming :-P

Forget accents, when they cast people to actually say lines in German in movies or TV they can never seem to fine someone who has even a passing acquaintance with the language. Like, you can’t even find someone who did a couple of years of it in high school and knows some very basic pronunciation?

Just imagine the kind of cutting thing Prince Philip would say about him while he was still within earshot. Oooo it would be delicious.

She seems like such a delightful person in real life too.

Crimson Peak was everything I ever wanted. What a fantastic film, loved it.

Hmmmm send me a sample or two and I will let you know if your idea is worthy!

Bacon pancakes is a pretty standard combo though.

Ugh, that sounds like a bad combo! Some separately delicious foods should never be combined.

No. Sushi and croissants are two very delicious things that should never ever meet. Can we please just cancel all these weird food hybrids? Most of them are trash.

If there’s not even a bad animatronic cat what is even the point

As sad as she was that Jo rejected Laurie’s proposal, this moment was the beginning of Little Anne42's sexual awakening.

Pitcairn is under British rule, but you’re right the trials were held in NZ (apparently the Pitcairn Supreme Court actually sits in NZ!).

Just jumping in to say that pedantry about the composition of the UK and the title of its monarch is my favourite kind of pedantry.