You were right!
I know, very weird to say! I was 22 when we got together, a bit older for a first boyfriend but it just worked.
It did feel pretty gross, but once I got over the initial shock it was mostly funny because this guy obviously thought he was a pro kisser. This was about 12 years ago now and I honestly never think about it, it really had no actual effect on my life whatsoever because it was just a kiss, really.
My first kiss was at 19, I was on an overseas exchange and was drunk in a club, dancing with some random guy. He told me he wanted to kiss me and I said sure why not. It was like a slug forcibly invading my mouth. I told him I needed to go to the bathroom and ran away. I avoided him for the rest of the evening and…
Thank you. His defence was no real defence at all.
Not to mention the awful cumstain who paid for the repeated “Vote No” signwriting in the sky over Sydney harbour.
...robbing us in the United States of one of our few remaining pillars of moral superiority over pretty much any other English-speaking country in the world.
You’re welcome! I don’t speak Māori so I can’t translate the whole thing but it seems to be about the strength of women- there’s references to a few goddesses and “mana wāhine” (the spiritual power/authority of women).
Definitely. As a Kiwi, nothing gets the blood pumping and the endorphins rushing like a good haka.
There are haka which are performed by women (the one the All Blacks are famous for, Ka Mate, is a very “male” haka and would never be performed by women in NZ), like this one from the Black Ferns.
I love Yael Groblas*. I’ve been rewatching the first two seasons and she is just so good, especially as Aneska. Her comedic timing is fantastic.
I’m so sorry. What an utter asshole, may he accidentally slam his dick in his sock drawer.
In that Guardian interview he talks about his family not being particularly wealthy, but also not particularly interested in sending him to private school. Overall he seems pretty lefty.
That’s brilliant!
Thank God someone else remembers You Go First! I can’t believe it’s not getting more love in this thread. It’s such a fantastic song.
It is. Unless he’s said further shitty things more recently I don’t think we need to revisit this.
I mean anyone who can make you forget Ben Whishaw, even temporarily, is pretty magic.
It’s OK, he’s very crush-worthy!