
Fragrance is definitely something that should be more restricted in the workplace. You can look away from someone’s inappropriate outfit, it’s a bit harder to stop smelling something. I had a colleague whose migraines would often be triggered by another colleague’s strong fragrance. These migraines caused her to miss

I was hoping someone would point this out!! One of my favourite films as a kid, still holds up well today. That dream sequence where the bed gets sawn in half gave me nightmares as a child, though!

They are definitely gorgeous to look at. I sometimes wonder how historically accurate they might be, but then I just go back to enjoying them :-P

If you’re on Twitter you need to follow Sam Neill. The videos he posts of his farm animals are too delightful.

This is the cutest thing EVER. I think you might doing this parenting thing right.

I’m literally watching Magnificent Century right now on Aus Netflix as I type. So much drama, so much shiny polyester!!

That was Aemon, his great-great (?) uncle.

This was actually pretty common back in the day. Don’t know if people just really wanted to use those family names again or if they just had little imagination.

Indeed. She was too good for this world.

All it makes me think of is this

This is the correct choice.

Indeed. I’m from NZ and went to Girl Guides. My brother went to Boy Scouts and there were always a few girls in his troop.

You probably are (check here)! Welcome to the club :-D

It’s only automatic for someone who has a parent who holds NZ citizenship by birth, i.e. born in NZ (like Joyce’s father). People who hold NZ citizenship by descent don’t automatically pass it on. I have one NZ and one German parent. My older brother, who was born in Germany, is a citizen by descent and would need to

That could be it. I’ve never actually watched Suits, is it any good?

The Queen’s first cousin, once removed (I think that’s how that works?) married a Māori bloke. At the time, their marriage required the Queen’s consent, which she gave. As a Kiwi it makes me pretty happy that there are now Māori members of the British royal family with awesome Māori names. These guys are all pretty

Even that is a relatively recent idea.

Huh. For some reason I thought she was Canadian too. How did we all get that idea?

Thank you! Glad I’m not the only one who got law school flashbacks from this!