Fair enough, the Tennant Hamlet was fantastic. Like you I still find new things in the play that hadn’t occurred to me before.
Fair enough, the Tennant Hamlet was fantastic. Like you I still find new things in the play that hadn’t occurred to me before.
There’s very few American actors who can do any British accent convincingly enough, particularly for a role as iconic as Bond. The ones who come to mind for me, people like Alexis Denisof and Gillian Anderson, have lived in the UK long enough that they might as well be British.
I was going to say Max Martin was completely off his game when he wrote this, but this isn’t even a Max Martin song. Man knows how to write a great shitty pop tune. This is not one of those.
I’ve only seen Pericles performed once (a university production, which might have coloured my experience somewhat) and to be honest I wasn’t a huge fan. But I agree, I love discovering the more obscure plays. As much as I love Much Ado and Hamlet, I don’t know if I need to see another production of either for a good…
This was a couple of years ago now, I saw it in a National Theatre Live broadcast (alas, I don’t live in London!). He was nominated for an Olivier Award for it but didn’t win. It was intense, a fairly bare-bones production but with a fair bit of fake blood. He was fantastic in it. I haven’t seen the Ralph…
Indeed. Likewise Hiddleston in Coriolanus.
I reckon they’ll be back, when Arya needs them.
Honestly, that’s where I thought it was going. Although I guess it was nice for Arya to interact with other humans without resorting to violence.
I was mostly annoyed that GoT had been gone for so long, this was the first episode back, and they’re wasting our time with Ed Bloody Sheeran. If the same scene had been further into the season I might have been fine with it.
Don’t worry, crying manbabies, there is now a helpline for you!
I’m rewatching series 4 right now. Can confirm that Donna is still the best.
Honestly, people who react like this make me wonder if they’ve even been watching the same show that I have.
And whisks!
Wow. There are worse things, you know. You could be sorted into Slytherin.
That is so beautiful!
He’s very good. A quick google suggests he might be ethnically Filipino, though, so wouldn’t fit the casting specs.
Indeed. All of this seems like a lifetime ago. Remember when we all still believed that the Cold War was really over and that humanity’s biggest existential threat was climate change and not an angry toddler with the nuclear codes? I honestly don’t know if I can remember what that felt like.
Oh man I think I’m overdue for a rewatch!
Oh yes definitely! The whole cast are magnificent.
It is and it warms my heart to see it.