Definitely :’(
Definitely :’(
Too soon.
This. Her wardrobe choices are always deliberate.
Which is why it has been largely abandoned in English-speaking countries outside of the US, or at least the jurisdictions I’m familiar with (UK, Aus & NZ).
I’m 31 and have no idea, sorry. I’m not sure that we’re really missing out here either.
“Caesar? I hardly knew her!”
One of my mates went to Briscoes a couple of months ago on a Thursday morning and there was NO SALE ON. I couldn’t believe it. I think she’s just missed the previous one and had arrived too early for the next one.
Briscoes is definitely best for cheap whiteware and bedding etc, but getting cheap new furniture is basically impossible in NZ.
Those of us who have access to IKEA should be grateful. Kiwis are obsessed with IKEA precisely because there isn’t one anywhere in NZ.
There’s a gentle rain falling in Sydney, it’s just not the same.
Ooooh this is making me so homesick!
George III had 10 sons, only two of which produced legitimate children, both of whom were female and one of whom died in childbirth along with her infant son. At some point, ladies come in handy.
Yeah I’m a Kiwi, well aware of that piss water pretending to be beer (sorry really not a Tui beer fan!). First thing that comes to mind for me is the bird because they are so fucking boss. Living in Aus now, I really miss hearing the tui call.
Who names their child after a beer?? Ah well, I guess if you’re named for the beer you’re also named for the bird at one remove...
Seconding this (although as a Kiwi living in Australia I’m worried that with all the rights being stripped away from Kiwis at the moment that my Medicare cover will be the next thing to go).
It makes me sad because it probably means she’s not doing any cross stitching anymore
True, too busy being a (Inter)National Treasure.
Dear God even Judi Dench still learns her lines and she’s got such bad macular degeneration that she can’t even read anymore.
Oh my god it’s THAT GUY!! Good spotting!