Right, the titles were vested in the same person from 1606 and inherited together, but didn’t become properly merged until Queen Anne’s reign when the UK was formed.
Right, the titles were vested in the same person from 1606 and inherited together, but didn’t become properly merged until Queen Anne’s reign when the UK was formed.
This is my kind of pedantry, and you get a star for it!
How do I submit a docket for Shade Court? From The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2016/oct/10/clinton-trump-pence-campaign-heated-presidential-debate-live)
Plus if I remember correctly bonobos are matriarchal.
Ugh I had my card details stolen last week too, and the dickwad spent Aus$1200 at a homeware store. I reckon I probably had my card skimmed at an ATM. Here’s to theft!
So true. It’s alarming how many people see shiftiness or acting “abnormally” as evidence of guilty.
I despise that man. His reporting in the Daily Fail is a huge part of why it took so long for anyone in the English-speaking world to question the insane decision of the Perugian police and that awful prosecutor.
Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor.
Yes, me too, all of this.
DW Light is the best!!
DW Light is the best!!
Did you ever see those ads for some conservative-based comedy network, hosted by Kelsey Grammer? That’s what I always think of when I see right-wing “humour”. About as funny as Ebola.
Agree. Those piercing eyes, that smile.
My favourite thing is how Danny Strong is basically living that life now.
If you put any kind of punctuation in a hashtag on Twitter it kinda breaks it.
I wonder if they are genuinely ignorant about how awful it is? But then I see people bringing it up in the comments all the time, so maybe they simply don’t care as they know they can get away with it. It’s a bit depressing, really.
Haha I do! But also partly because I was watching Gilmore Girls last night and that song was playing in the background in one of the scenes. I screamed at my partner “IT’S SPLIT ENZ!!”
Very true.
As a Kiwi I can’t believe that NZ didn’t occur to me as the possible origins of the penguin. For shame.
Look if Rabbit didn’t want all these bloody immigrants coming to his wood maybe his ancestors shouldn’t have colonised India, Australia or Antarctica.