
Highly, highly concerning. What’s even more concerning is how readily these stories are accepted by commenters here. Half of people’s dislike for certain British celebrities on this site appears to be based on things reported in the Daily Fail.

Woooooah that is some grade A celebrity gossip!!!

I’ll bring the doritos. If it’s Hanks then there’s nothing left to live for on this planet.

“The Daily Mail reports...”

Oh my Goooooood!!

One of the best things I ever saw was a one-woman production by Prunella Scales of Queen Victoria’s diaries, from child to old woman. Mainly because her performance was electric but the source material was also pretty good.

And Billie Piper. She and Amy Winehouse were actually friends while at school.

Always and forever.

I read this part out to my partner and my mum (who’s visiting us at the moment), and all three of us had a really, really good laugh.

There should’ve been way more Jamie in The Thick of It.

It me, but with tea.

Seriously, we are a country of lady badasses, wāhine toa.

It’s a little bit silly. I’m a Kiwi too, but my partner is Aussie and we’ve both just moved to Sydney this year. The cultures are pretty similar, but I still get a bit of culture clash quite frequently (although there are enough Kiwis here that my slang is usually understood except when I accidentally use the odd

It's not really relevant what Australia calls them, given that this happened in NZ (where they are called dairies).


Just meanings vegans don't eat cheese on their burgers.

This comment made me so happy, you've no idea!

Vegans, presumably.

Agent Carter!
