
Why not just slap on a wedding band and say you are married? In a lot of states, (all states?), you'll be common-law married after shacking up long enough, anyway. If you say you are engaged people are going to ask about the wedding. If you say you married, that's usually the end of the conversation.

RayShine, I don't think people care about the exact number. I think they want their drink warmer or cooler than the norm, and they've found that asking for a specific temp yields better results than asking for extra hot or not so hot.

I served a very brief stint as a barista many, many moons ago. A specific temperature is was about the least annoying special request any of my customers had. It takes little to no extra time, (saves time if they want it they want it cooler than the norm), and you are virtually guaranteed to get it exactly right,

I had my alarm set to the old Cingular ring tone for years. Now when I hear it, I instantly become furious and start looking for an escape route. I've found it's best if I change my alarm tone every few months. But I don't recommend the duck ring tone if you live/work/run near ducks. I was very mad at the ducks for

One of my friends posted this on FB this morning with the comment "I love it!" I had to close FB and distract myself with Kurt Braunohler's RadioLab parody. I went back later to discover another friend posted the women-selling-pregnancy-tests-on-Craigslist story with a warning for men and parents to "beware."

I used to have this problem, too. To fix it, every day after work I would come home, go directly to bed, and set a timer for 20 minutes. When it went off, I got out of bed, even if I didn't sleep at all. In the beginning, I found that simply laying quietly for 20 minutes had a positive effect on my energy level. It

Thank you so much for your choice of language in the headline. I've noticed the switch on Gawker sites recently, and it means a lot. I hope someday we'll reach a point where the language is moot because there is nothing to report.

I was reading about Bikram yoga last week and apparently they have competitions. Yoga competitions. YOGA. Competitions.

So someone can now get a copy of my house key if they can get close enough to it to snap a few pictures? I'm sure glad this didn't exist when I had a stalker-ish ex.

I got one of those emails and thought it was a phishing scam ("please click here and type in your password" always makes me wary).

Oh, Mr. Senator, you wanted blue ink? Sorry, tampens only come in red.

So we are all going to start mailing tampons to Texas Senators' offices, right? Boxes and boxes of tampons.

On the checking front, my guess is your bag gets x-rayed or manually checked for weapons when you enter the building, and they yank your tampons or pads if they spot them.

Vote: Schick Quattro.

Now playing

Sugar Twat...Sugar Snatch...Sugar Twat...Sugar Snatch...

Whenever I can. My usual workout schedule is:

People are so tacky!

What does that mean? You are supposed to bring an unwrapped gift? A home-made gift? A monetary gift?

If you're expecting a fist-full of cash from your guests in return for providing a venue, entertainment, and some vittles, that's not a gift, it's a cover charge.

The only personal things visible in my cube are a bottle of hand lotion, a coaster, a mug, and a tube of biofreeze. I've been there six years. I am definitely the odd one out in my office - everyone else has boatloads of pictures, figurines, awards, art, plants etc. There are even a few people with multiple