Which makes absolutely no sense to me.
You’re missing the point. I agree with all of that.
Again, I love Goku, he is, hands down the best anime character ever. I just get tired of everyone demonising poor Chi Chi.
Yes, but there is no crisis here [yet], it’s not fair to call her asking her husband to work so they can afford the gargantuan amounts of food they consume being a bitch.
Yeah, that’s what I thought, the new movies are supposed to be in canon, but I got the feeling they were sorta being ignored in Super. We’ll see when the new eps come out.
So, the big question is. How do the latest movies fit in?
I think you’re confusing bitchiness for sensibility. This is a man who’s made her a widow, twice. Who got her 4 year-old firstborn kidnapped by the devil (who turned out to be an alien slug man, but that’s neither here nor there) who constantly takes their preteen boy on death-defying adventures, refused to come back…
Under the armor, where they belong :P
It is known for consuming souls ;)
Looking very Gundam there, Victorion.
Nope, just Cloud.
You do realise I was agreeing with you, right?
Spinning Bird Kick, thank you very much.
Don’t forget shooting glowing energy balls of death at their foes and moving their arms so fast they break the sound barrier.
So, I’m guessing these are the only kinds of breasts you’ve seen in motion.
I have a right to an opinion.
Indeed, you lost the plot. Go find it.