Ann Hiro

Yes, because there is no such thing as a chemical compound in nature.

Your face is natural!

Do not knock the cans. They are worth more than you think.

If the cops can say there's only trace amounts of blood in it, yes, it counts.

Oh my GOD, my mum has that same exact clock.

Leave dem big wurds to the grownups, sport.

Kinja Gear: Dave's Coffee Syrup: Nesquik for Adults


I don't even like the Power Rangers and yet this was all kinds of awesome.

Cool, I have... 3 cents, a bottle cap and some lint.

I just reuse one of those glass pasta sauce jars. They are awesome for that kind of thing.

1. I didn't get the talk, I perused encyclopaedias, and that was only after some friends in grade school told me. (That's hogwash, people pee from there!)

We know Giger would approve.

Did you stick with artistic endeavours? Because that is some serious talent.

I know people who still write like this, well into "adulthood".

You are a sad human being.

Beautiful, I was gonna post that if no one had.

You tell her, Madeleine!