Ann Hiro

Maybe you were commenting on the internet? I feel that needs to be said.

Nothing worse than Win 8 apologists.

With those people, what you should do is take a screenshot and set that as wallpaper, then hide all icons and the taskbar. Hilarity ensues.

Hell, I think rent for the place is included.

Well, it is a matrix, read a book.

Just read the comments around here. They don't have to work for tips they deserve them just by virtue of showing up. This is why people get mad at being told they have to tip. I don't enjoy being forced into anything. I usually tip 15%+ but I get to judge whether you deserve my money or not. You don't get anything

It's-a me, Paarthurnax.

There's already a cure, but it's pretty final.

It is a video.

What? 9000(+1)?

Get a better phone. It works just fine on Android.

The red one. The blue one was Super C.

Marry Curry.

Green Metroid Approves!

Well, when it's all you've got... It annoys me that

One, you started getting personal, deal with it.

Job security.

I like the top best, but I don't mind the nostrils in the new design. Those lips though, haunt my nightmares.