Anita Hill

Thank you very much for having me.

I'm not sure that we would get to the point of having a hearing. The kind of vetting that would go before we even got to this point would stop that from happening. I think the public reaction would be different. We've advanced. We've evolved. We know it's real. We know it's painful and we know that when a person

You state very clearly why this is precisely the right time for us to do this film. Because there are a generation of people who don't even know the history of the problems they'll confront. And they're looking to us for solutions. We can gain an understanding that change is possible. Change is possible. Some people

The definition of justice has become bigger and richer for me over the years. In the movie there's a scene where I open a file drawer of some of the thousands of letters that I've received. and my understanding of what justice means has come from reading many of those letters. So I understand that there's not just one

It's hard to know what to make. And it's especially hard to know what to make when we're talking about women who have committed their lives to public service, as in the case with women in the military and it's hard to know how we can not fulfill our obligation to them. They dedicate their lives to serving us. We owe

Because I was so suspicious of the Washington senate process, I can remember going through not just an instant that I knew it was time to step up but a process of getting ready and how I was going to share my story. But there was a moment when a Senate staffer contacted me and told me directly what they knew and gave

I think that more powerful than those late night jokes were the women who stepped up and said "Ive had enough I'm going to tell what happened to me. I'm going to be truthful about it. I'm going to tell you about how much it hurt. How it changed my life." I think those were more powerful than the jokes, that were

That is a very, very difficult question that a lot of women of color encounter. We want to be seen as fully present and whole individuals, but in fact, we do have two things in the eyes of many going against us and things we have to overcome. What we have to do is commit ourselves to being the professionals that we

My real concern was that this was going to be treated like a political maneuver as opposed to evidence about the character of the individual Clarence Thomas who was nominated for a lifetime appointment to our country's highest court. I didn't want to get caught in the middle of partisan battles. I wanted to give

Yes! I gained a lot of insight and I have begun to see the experience as a reflection of societal failures as well as a failure of that immediate process. I can't redo that process, but I can try to have an impact on process that are going on today in various locations. And I can try to help people understand how

It was important for me to be portrayed as a whole person. It was important on a personal level. As well it was an important message for women facing the same kinds of challenges that these things are only a part of who we are. They do not define us and you can go through these trying times and still pursue your

The conversations with women are a lot more hopeful now. Immediately after the hearing, what I was experiences was a lot of expressions of pain and disappointment. And now, having gone through that and been able to get that out i think that now there's resolution. We are resolved to do better. We haven't fixed

It's a pleasure to be able to hear from people. I absolutely did hesitate to be filmed for any documentary and it's not always fun to have a camera following you. But I realized that there were people going into the workplace or going to universities or going to the military who still had problems with discrimination

I think the most important issue in terms of equality that's working its way through the courts is the extent to which we can pursue class action lawsuits. The litigation that allows only one person to sue can be effective but what we really need to make sure is that we address systemic discrimination. For example,

Thank you I'm flattered! I have great respect for those who want to run for office but I know I can effective in other ways with support like yours.

My advice is that yes, there are all kinds of opportunities available to young women. But they should also be aware of the pitfalls and biases. Many women in our generation were never told about the problems they might encounter and we need to send them into the workplace armed with information that will allow them to

I did know about it at the time. i spoke with one of the women back in 1991 before the hearing. I have not spoken with anyone else.