
I’m thinking a 1.5 and that’s before allegations.

A 6?

Almost three hours. 163 minutes. For me, that’s the reason. Nothing in the marketing campaign compelled me to go to a theater that I know will be too loud, freezing cold, and uncomfortable (no recliner theaters in my town). If I’m going to make it through a three hour movie, I’m going to need at least one 15-minute

The women in these pictures make me sad.

Ugh. He’s also the same asshole that threw a porn actress off a roof into a pool. I think she broke her foot and had to sue him because she couldn’t perform for a while and lost her only source of income. He’s so fucking gross and a total piece of shit.

Point: Loneliness is slowly killing you.

I have the best memory associated with this song, I was in 4th grade and my dad, who worked full time and went to school full time for years had finally saved up enough to buy this Toyota Celica. It had a sunroof which was something he always wanted. :) Anyway he LOVED Phil Collins. So I did too. He would put this

I am sorry for what has happened to you. All black men did not do that to you. White women want to convince you otherwise with nonsense, stop falling for it

Option the third: Tell that bitch “Peeeeeeeace!” Now your wedding has 29 guests which means one less person to not really remember having spoken to even once the entire night.

We have no idea, there are many possible reasons. And just shut up. The whole, “Yes, I’m a lying dirtbag who has been betraying you for five years is so inconsequential compared to the fact that you found out about it!” whine is just pathetic.

Troll harder motherfucker. This is some weak ass shit attempt.

If he’s such a weak spineless childish piece of shit that he agreed in the first place and then lashes out by having a 5 year affair with the woman, he should have never gotten married IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Old Daario is best Daario. Fight me.

Yesss, he was such a better Daario than beardy mcgeneric

It should be called “Madisons” or “Taylors”.

Anything is better than this shit.

Lol “jeans and a nice top” has been my going-out go-to for decades now and YOU WILL NOT TAKE THAT FROM ME!!!!

Yes! An actual season about cults would be fantastic (or as fantastic as AHS can get anymore). Cults have so much potential- brainwashing, blindly following the leader, mass suicide, child brides, etc. All of which could make for an excellent and scary (or at least thrilling) season. Yet Ryan Murphy insisted on using

She is talking about someone who is SEVEN years old. No, that kid should not be spending that much time in front of a mirror. When I was seven, the only time I looked at one was when I was brushing my teeth and the mirror was right in front of me. Also, to check my hair.

I had a “soul” cat, so I do get it. The love of your life doesn’t have to be a human.