
He needs to pursue comedy a lot more than he does, his little vids from Thor are amazing and he was a doll in Ghostbusters.

Ok it may have been a while since arithmetic class for me, but if your employee pay accounts for 10% of you overall operating costs and you raise it by 10%, your operating cost has only increased 1%. Of course, the employer may choose to take advantage of the fact that most people don’t understand basic math in order

You probably are (check here)! Welcome to the club :-D

A new election would definitely be a good thing.

I have it on good authority that she only converted for the jokes.

From what I gathered, I think Sarah was who the proto-BOB bug crawled into at the end of episode 8. When Laura removed her face it was all white light. When Sarah removed hers it was darkness, and that hand that passed by had a dark ring finger (the “spiritual finger” according to Cole). If you’re also someone who

Stop worrying about what people you don’t know, who don’t know you or your family, think.

I also loved the bar owner confronting her in the bloody aftermath, and Sarah Palmer smirking, “It’s a real mystery, huh?” Then when he leaves, that LOOK she gives him. OH MY GOD.

There really was no reason for Sam to pay attention to what Gilly read from the book. Let’s just hope Gilly packed that book and took it with them. Sam teaching Gilly to read may be the most crucial element in GOT.

It bugged me that Sam just skipped over Gily’s reveal too, but I realized that Sam doesn’t have the information we do, so it made sense for him to ignore it.

““Eastwatch” is the episode where the show stumbled, fell down, and scrambled madly in an attempt to maintain its top speed. It was often sloppy and it was frequently shoddy, but man did it still move the story along as quick as it possibly could, no matter what the cost.”

I don’t think it meant anything — like I’d know — but I thought it was interesting that when Andy came out of the vortex with the Eyeless Woman, he was behaving very...Cooper.

This scene and the one with Andy getting sucked into the vortex were fuckin awesome.

I just loved it when Truck You whined that her response wasn’t very polite and she just gave him a disdainful look and said, “I wasn’t trying to be polite.”

Oh, when Republicans use “Born in the USA” it makes me laugh because really guys? Didn’t read the lyrics, apparently. I really want one of them to use “Closer” by NIN just once because they hear part of the lyrics and go, “OOOOH they sing ‘you get me closer to God!’” without bothering to listen to the rest.

The tweet in question. Whatever you feel about Ayaan, her anger and her activism comes from a place of genuine suffering. And given the fact that she DID suffer from FGM, saying “she doesn’t deserve to be a woman” is gross and indefensible. Because it’s something that someone almost literally tried to inflict upon

Diane for president!

David Lynch approves.

Hell YES Laura Dern can get any organization straightened out and banish tomfoolery of every type! She can shut Albert down; She texts with EvilCoop; She is a deputized member of the Blue Rose Task Force; She smokes in morgues; She can . . . what? that’s just a role she plays?

Laura Dern is also simply great as “Diane” in Twin Peaks this season.