
Seriously? Really? Yeah all the child-free women have absolutely no family or friends or meaningful careers. They were probably just waiting to drop dead so their 50 cats could feast on them anyway.

Ah you’ve never met my dog i guess... also this is the most sexist comment i’ve ever seen and 8 ppl like it, meh. Better stop sending all those single 20 year old men to war because you know they don’t have children to fight for and will not fight hard enough.

I’m glad all the commenters on Jez are keeping their cool factor up there and hating PETA. The “I hate PETA” and “Fuck PETA” circle jerk comments crack me up. Go eat a ham sandwich and pat yourselves on the back a little more, why don’t you?

I do get it. I think they like how pretty they are and how “happy” they seem. I’m pretty much a hard liner on no wild animals as entertainment ever so I try to gently teach people, as I don’t think everyone that goes to sea world is a heartless monster. Hopefully we will continue to move in the right direction

Ummm that’s an idea I could get behind....

I mean, that’s not a terrible plan...

Maxine is 78. She has zero fucks left to give and she is not putting up with this shit.

When my parents visited from Ohio, they were absolutely squicked out by jumping into a Lyft for the first time. My mom said ‘So we’ just going to hop in the back of some dude’ accura?’

Yeah this. I was confused by the article above because I feel like our society revolves around children too much, albeit on a more personal level like you said.

Yeah I think the problem isn’t not caring about children, it’s caring too much about your own children and not at all about anyone else’s.

Collins and Murkowski have stood by their principles and been open and vociferous throughout. Real heroines.

Username checks out.


There’s an interview with him I read once that’s nagging at the back of my mind, but I only have vague recollection and can’t remember enough to find it again, so let me paraphrase and know that this may not be 100% accurate:

My kid starts high school in a couple of weeks, and I hope these movies are great. A couple of years ago I got him to watch The Breakfast Club with me and he loved it. He loves Ten Things I Hate About You and Mean Girls. He deserves his own high school movies!

Not looking up Tiffany Haddish or Z-ro.

Yeah, I agree with that point. There’s a lot of good in this article, but there’s also points made in a deliberately misleading way or left unexamined. The way the Australian response was brought up to make it seem like there was an unprecedented international outcry is one of them—Australians are responding because

I fucking hate this man with every fiber of my being. He’s such a cowardly worm of a man, with no respect for anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass.