
“true star of Gone With The Wind”? Please. That was Vivien Leigh’s movie and she OWNED it. Olivia was good as Melanie but Vivien was EVERYTHING and Clark Gable was everything else.

She’s a mealy-mouthed ninny, and I hate her.

No, it really isn’t that simple. I am disabled. It is physically impossible for me to engage in most forms of exercise. I also take a very necessary medication that has both weight gain and weight retention among its side effects. In order to lose weight through dieting while taking said medication and being limited

I am so happy Hot Pie is still alive and is doing well. He seems happy. I hope he makes it to the end and continues to make his bread.

It’s actually much safer for both the cats and the local wildlife if cats are kept inside, and cats can live perfectly healthy and much longer lives if they are kept inside. Not only is the risk of a cat being injured or killed very high if they are outside (I see a dead cat that’s been run over almost weekly in my

I’ll just be over here, patiently waiting for other twin peaks fans to join me. In the greys.

I honestly don’t think it’s a tough one. Best case scenario is he lives but never has a life. These parents are selfish as fuck.

These photos are embarrassing, get over yourself.

It’s probably my favourite of all time. I like to listen to it in the evening, wearing a blanket as a cape, glass of wine in hand, pretending to be Cersei watching the cept blow up. Highly recommend doing that.

I agree. As much as it was obviously on the husband, I have lived in countries in which people really respect couples, and, when one is part of a couple, one is treated as off-limits to others. And it was liberating. I didn’t realise how much until I came back to the United States, and women flirted heavily and openly

I have a black & white chevron shower curtain over a red shower curtain just so my bathroom looks like the Black Lodge! There’s also have a handmade glass nightlight with David Lynch’s face on it. Although, sometimes when people use my bathroom, this happens:

What if you live in the Black Lodge, tho?

Chevron rugs always make me think of the Red Room from Twin Peaks. Would they be an acceptable choice if that’s the look you’re going for?

So, I met a guy at a book club last month, and in the chit-chat beforehand, we talked about how his kid is just finishing up with his first year of law school (I am an attorney, 3/4 of the people in the room were either attorneys or spouses of attorneys, it was a natural topic). We went through about four rounds of

“Hey, Rick, can you take care of this file for me?... What are you watching?”

And it’s to-MAH-to sauce, not tuh-MAY-to sauce!

myeh, Australians are probably just pissed off with dumb showbiz americans after the whole Johnny Depp shit show.

Isn’t the revised script a dig at Johnny Depp and Amber Heard?

Unclogging a toilet doesn’t make you an “amateur plumber” anymore than watching a YouTube video does. Putting bandaids on a cut doesn’t make you a “battlefield medic.” Making three meals a day for one person doesn’t make you a “chef.”

Your last paragraph ignores the fact that there are many, many people who manage to parent while working full time. If your “gold” resume lands in front of one of them, you’ll be laughed at heartily while being denied interviews.