
Never underestimate the human capacity for self-delusion. I had a neighbor try to deny breaking into our storage area after we showed him the video we had of him doing it.

There's a simple reason most states don't have strict rules on what EBT cards can be used for: because it costs money to enforce them. Simple as that. The state would have to hire more people to audit EBT participants, and so on.

Good analysis. I would add two other obstacles: aesthetics and patience. I can build things with redstone, but I'm never satisfied with the results - it just looks crummy compared to the stuff these whiz kids are doing on YouTube. All my houses look like Soviet apartment blocks. Also, I can't imagine the amount of

Another Front Page Football fan here. That game was way ahead of its time.

About 10-15 years ago, some premade obituaries leaked onto the Internet. They're easy to find via Google. They're not as interesting as they used to be, because the web aesthetic is very out of date, and most of the people depicted have actually died since then.

I would gleefully pay full admission price to watch Nazis at the Alamo.

I read and posted in #CrimingWhileWhite. Not long after, my feed was inundated with people saying "if you participated in #CrimingWhileWhite, you need to go read #AliveWhileBlack." So I think there was someeffort to yield the conversation to those who need to be heard on this issue.

No, it won't be. People try to scam retail stores all the time. Wal-Mart will just change their policy to not price-match re-seller ads from Amazon, educate their managers to watch out for them, write off the trivial amount of money they lost, and life will go on.

I figure Sid just overcame it as part of growing up, just like we all had to do with our various childhood traumas, and became an ordinary adult. He only saw the toys come to life that one time, and it'd be easy to chalk that up to a bad dream, allergic reaction, hallucination, etc. Not every character has to have a

We wouldn't have to worry about anyone else catching it.

I once had a temp job answering phone calls for ESPN Fantasy Football. Every Tuesday was an endless string of stories like this. Here are some of the more brutal fantasy bad beats I remember:

I agree. It's much too terrifying for everyday use on unsuspecting people. That thing in a dark alley would scare the hell out of me, and I'm not even afraid of spiders.

It's official: nobody gives a fuck about the Jets.

This makes me wanna Cry.

I know it's been 30 years since the team moved from Baltimore, but "Indianapolis Colts" still sounds wrong to me. The word Colts should have Baltimore before it, in the sense that Yankees should have New York before it. It's one of those city-team name correlations that is so strong that any other pairing sounds like

That was my reaction, too. Who's going to enforce this? Nobody, just like nobody's enforcing any of their rules now.

I think the Matrix sequels get a lot more hate than they deserve. They're not as good as the original - that's a tough act to follow - but they're adequate action movies.

I wasn't sure about Wreck-It Ralph when it first came out, but that song sold me on it. Doesn't get any more authentic retro-arcade than a Buckner & Garcia song. I played the shit out of their Pac-Man Fever record when I was a kid (and yes, it was a record). Good times.

I'll never understand why market forces didn't kill Bleacher Report. As you said, it's an interface nightmare with shitty content. Yeah, it abuses click counts, but shouldn't advertisers have figured out by now that 10 million clicks on athlete girlfriend tits isn't really 10 million people seeing their ad? And they