
The "warm feelings for his hometown" bit falls a little flat considering his hometown called him a traitor, the Whore of Akron, and so forth. When he left there was the most hateful fan behavior I've seen this side of Steve Bartman. And it'll be the same thing again if he leaves and/or doesn't bring them their

Is there even a meaningful difference between ESPN and ESPN2 anymore? Both channels are available everywhere. Yes, the high-value events like the NFL are always on ESPN, but in cases like this where both events are of low relative interest, the decision was probably dictated by factors other than relative importance.

Marlins GM Dan Jennings calling it "laughable" that they ever offered Stanton to Astros or any other team

Being right 90% of the time, for as many episodes as Pat Sajak has filmed, means he's going to be wrong a hell of a lot.

Right in the middle of the home run call, though?

"When a run is sorely needed, he calls on the crowd to join him in breaking wind to spark a rally." Am I reading that right?

Early-1980s Steve Martin comes to mind. Between The Jerk and Planes Trains and Automobiles/Roxanne/Three Amigos/Little Shop of Horrors, there was a lot of crap.

Judging from the excerpts available on, it is. Even the characters talk like that.

Holy shit, this thing is good:

Also, the question was what chance do "you" have to date a woman who's a 10. A reasonable answer to that question would vary greatly depending upon the contestant's gender and personal preference. Hell, that question could have accidentally outed somebody. They should have said "what chance does an average man have?"

I can only imagine their uniforms.

Cute idea, but I think that would backfire horribly. Imagine the sort of people who would suddenly get interested in the NBA now that it has an all-white team.

If the league office wants the fans to be patient, they shouldn't use phrases like "extraordinarily quickly."

The best of this video is how dumbstruck and unable to respond the other two hosts are. Apparently questioning the choice of topic on an ESPN show breaks kayfabe.

Nice. I'm also looking forward to the full review of the Squidza.

How did the Taco Bell breakfast items not make this list? I can't even look at the sign without gagging.

I just gained some respect for the Blue Jays, Angels, Orioles, Royals, and Mets.

"Previously in Kids Getting Their Shit Wrecked"? I'm amused at the idea of KGTSW being a recurring feature.

Here's one answer to the question of why people watch the Weather Channel: "you live in a place where the weather can kill you."

Excellent. +1