
I can only imagine their uniforms.

Cute idea, but I think that would backfire horribly. Imagine the sort of people who would suddenly get interested in the NBA now that it has an all-white team.

If the league office wants the fans to be patient, they shouldn't use phrases like "extraordinarily quickly."

The best of this video is how dumbstruck and unable to respond the other two hosts are. Apparently questioning the choice of topic on an ESPN show breaks kayfabe.

I would think Facebook games are one of the biggest causes of de-friending. The request system is obnoxious.

Nice. I'm also looking forward to the full review of the Squidza.

How did the Taco Bell breakfast items not make this list? I can't even look at the sign without gagging.

I just gained some respect for the Blue Jays, Angels, Orioles, Royals, and Mets.

"Previously in Kids Getting Their Shit Wrecked"? I'm amused at the idea of KGTSW being a recurring feature.

Whenever I see footage of a war-torn city like that, I imagine what it must have been like before. The ruined signs were bright and legible, people were milling around, and talking and going about their lives. I do a little mental calculation of all the windows and stories in each building I see, and how many people

Here's one answer to the question of why people watch the Weather Channel: "you live in a place where the weather can kill you."

Excellent. +1

Like most Americans, Iggy gave soccer a try, but quickly got bored with it.

Also, I think people want their children to be treated as fairly as possible. RSP says people "get too riled up" about high school sports, but isn't this a case where they should? Most of the people in the stands are the families, friends, and neighbors of the players. Their loved ones put months of effort into being


I wondered about that. All their songs are just Tea Party talking points set to music, as opposed to a worldview a younger generation would have developed on its own. One of them is a fawning tribute to Reagan, whose presidency they'd be too young to remember. It seemed contrived from the start. Which makes me wonder:

I can't believe something this shitty actually exists.

I also love the "bad review" scene. It's worth freeze-framing just to read how hilariously mean it is. That his backing band became real-life famous, and got a good review in the movie at Cliff's expense, adds a whole new level of failure to Cliff's character.

The chances of this fight happening were only slightly better than it being on the level if it ever did happen.

You're right, it was the jetpack. Still weird though.