
I remember that guy. You had to take his head off to put his helmet on. That always weirded me out as a kid.

Luckily I grew up in Jupiter, Florida

No, just the L.A. team. It's actually a practice facility. Most of the other teams play in small arenas.

Yeah, I did. The backboard lit a tenth early, but I don't think he got the shot off.

Well said.

Nebraska:Kansas? Wrong. Nebraska's enemy is Iowa, because most of Nebraska's population lives close enough to Iowa to be endangered by aimless, incompetent drivers with Iowa license plates. Idiots Out Wandering Around!

Can I use The Clapper to turn it on and off?

They saved the lives of millions of registered voters. At $23 million, that works out to a few dollars per human life. I'd say that's a pretty good use of government funds.

Bachelor Party definitely stands up to repeated viewings.

That's not a helpful attitude. If you want Bitcoin to attain mainstream acceptance, you must realize that less savvy people are going to use it. Calling people stupid for not knowing cryptography jargon, or the weaknesses of a brand-new (to most people) technology, is not going to achieve that.

Debit cards have been around a long time, and people are familiar with them. Bitcoin is brand new, so it's not reasonable to assume that everybody knows how to use it securely. Especially if merely photographing it subjects it to theft. I'll grant you, someone should have done more research on this segment. But having

Dan Shaughnessy: "Self-appointed tribune of all Boston fandom"

And then nuke the site from orbit.

You're getting a little over-exposed, Will Ferrell. Getting a little over-exposed.

Not yet.

You make a strong case, but at least that episode had a few laugh-worthy moments ("whatever comes out one end we feed to the other").

"Plummeting" would imply those cards had some value left to plummet from.

-5 for the sign not including the appropriate Mission Hill character.

Where's the "HAWAII" text on the front?

Why stop there? I count five other aspects of the flag code this thing violates: