

My whole family are now atheists. And I really can't think of anyone I know that's religious.

I like Dawkins, but the man needs a few more angry feminist friends and TO GET OFF TWITTER.

Nope, he's going to have hair for ages. Just like his dad......

UK police have an arms unit that they can deploy if said incident involves fire arms, but under normal circumstances the police do not respond to calls, even violent ones, armed.

I know right! We don't even have guns. We're adorable.

That last bit resulted in tea on my monitor! Brilliant!

Craig, I've not seen the film, so I can't comment on whether or not the audience were correct, but do you honestly think that the problem here is that scripts depicting Glasgow in a non stereotypical way just aren't being written? Because as someone involved in the Scottish 'medja', I can tell you that's just not


I know I'm very lucky and this isn't usually doable, but I've only ever had to have one of my wisdom teeth removed and I was able to get it done with just local anesthetic. It really didn't hurt that much at all, but I've never been so grateful of my dentists strong forearms. Cost me about £16. Fucking love the NHS.

I know right? When I first saw Jimmy Savile on TV as a child I instantly thought 'well, there's a pedo', but then I, like everyone else in the country, self corrected and reminded myself that I shouldn't judge others on their appearance. And just because someone looks weird and more than a little bit creepy it doesn't

I had a massive crush on John de Lancie. That's normal, right?

YES! And when was catwoman ever older than batman? Anne Hathaway is 10 years younger than Christian Bale.

Slightly more than that. But don't check, it'll just make you feel sad and old.

I absolutely agree. But then look at Ireland, it's been getting away with it for years. It just ignores the EU's threats.


Yeah, I know it was a mini series.....but whatever, it was awesome!


I don't care that half of them are dead. This should happen.