
5’9”. blue eyed blonde. Exotic dancer. Psychopath. A couple of personality disorders. Aries. And she is cutting a swath through the men who have the bad fortune to tangle with her. “Screwed” is the mildest possible term.

But the first way is fundamentally conservative, because it assumes that patriarchy and exploitation are the “natural” forms of human behavior, to which we’ll revert the moment we don’t have the legal system and the courts and birth control and computers to enforce an artificial way of acting. The second way, though,

In Brian Keene’s _Dead Sea_. a small group of zombie survivors is on a boat. And the men (of course, only the men) are planning to see if a deep-sea rig will trade with them. And one asks “What if they don’t?” another suggests offering them the women on board. He is roundly slapped down.

The poor novice keeping vigil for decades, because his superiors can’t promote him. He becomes very adept at wolf-imitations.

Oh yes. I have one that got all my worst qualities, plus my intelligence and her father’s looks. She’s deadly.

Sappy therapy spanking. I think I wrote that piece.

My sad devotion to the ancient religions...

ERB held up very nicely. Brian Daley isn’t bad. I’m looking forward to a Harry potter, a Julian may and a Tolkien reread

How about an anti-hero who is not only a rapist, pimp, drug dealer, politician and killer, he later takes up cannibalism? (in fairness, he considers it a bad habit and only indulges on special occasions)

I did the “Biggest fear/extrapolate trends I see” thing combined with “what I used to believe”. The result was one of the best novels I ever wrote. I keep struggling with the rest of the series.

I started writing because I had thrown a John Norman book across the room one too many times in frustration at the prose and

Saving for future reference. I write naga sex from time to time...

Cobras are just ruffly

Still very much in the “learning to knit” phase. I can make things that look like what they’re supposed to, but I’m not at the “design my own patterns” stage. Who thought pulling loops through other loops would be such a THING? And nalbinding? Have you seen that? It’s the intermediate step between sewing and knitting.

My own childhood trauma, thank you very much. And yeah, I know how fast it moves. My youngest is 15 and a half. I’m almost done with a project begun 24 years ago. And I’m ready to be done with this phase and on to the Advisory Stage.
As long as they have basic table manners, what’s the difference?

I don’t believe in family meals. I barely believe in meals. And I do not talk while eating. It’s enough that I drop food on their plates and they return the dishes to they sink promptly.

A few fun facts from a former faux-medieval haberdasher:

Passion and pleasure are very different things. I write novels. This means that I bash my fingers on keys until I have an arthritis flare, pace while I work out plotting, yell at the ceiling and generally kill myself during the first draft. This is not fun. But there is nothing I would rather do.

Even in my darkest

No question. Everything practical one needs when starting out. I had it and Betty Crocker and found I used this one much more. (the peanut butter cookies are sitting on my table right now)

I’ve actually done that. I took a piece of slash fanfic, turned it into a lesbian story, and added fur to one of the characters (sentient feline). The characters’ personalities altered more for the feline aspect than for the sex change. To quote one of my favorite movies, “There are all sorts of men who behave in all

I am amazed by everyone’s talent. I’m a polymath, but I feel woefully unskilled as I look over this thread.