@meloroast: I love egg nog, but I have a friend who won't drink it because of the packaging. I live in Canada so the english and the french is on the box, and eggnog in french is Lait de Poule which literally translated is Chicken Milk.
@meloroast: I love egg nog, but I have a friend who won't drink it because of the packaging. I live in Canada so the english and the french is on the box, and eggnog in french is Lait de Poule which literally translated is Chicken Milk.
@Ipomoea: This is the first holiday season that I've been lactose intolerant and not having egg nog killed me! Holly Nog isn't a bad substitute though.
"You know what that means, ladies — Jon is back on the market!"
A fetus is not a baby. A baby is not a toddler. A teenager is not a senior citizen. Although all may well have the potential to reach these stages in the future, none are at that developmental stage yet. It's not a lie, it's accurate developmental milestones.
@alouette: I was driving through Maine last autumn (I live in Canada, on my way to NY) and actually drove by a sign that said "The Pill Kills" which was in front of a store, that advertised selling guns. I thought it was pretty hilarious, I took a picture.
Patriarchy hurts men, too.
I've been an obstetrical nurse since I graduated two years ago and IMO you can't make a hard and fast rule about men in the delivery room. I've seen some men really get in there and be excellent coaches to their partners, and I've seen some men that really made the whole experience awful. I think things should be…
I don't really have anything to say. I just wanted to share this.
I need advice. I wanted to comment last night, but I had to work so a Sunday Morning Social question this will have to be.
Thank you, Catholic Church for once again reminding me that you think I'm too dumb to make my own choices. Without you I definitely would not be able to tell the difference between my life and a movie based on a book about vampires. You're right, I see the danger.