
If you want to help your friend, you need to study up a little bit on bias. The first thing to understand is bias affects everyone. Unless someone understands they are biased and works hard to mitigate the effects, any attempt to push against their bias makes them clamp down harder.

Not at all! What we believe is that humans can’t change sex (though there are many crooked doctors who will gladly lie to you and say they can while they take your money). We believe that it’s important to have words for the two types of humans necessary for sexual reproduction. We believe that these words describe

You have to look at that statement in its proper context: A) there is MUCH less violent crime overall (per capita) in Canada than in the U.S., so it’s not so much that there’s more domestic violence, as it is that there’s significantly less of every other sort of violent crime; B) domestic violence is taken more

Fine? I don’t really have a problem with how Shang is portrayed in the animated film, but it’s the sort of unnecessary romantic subplot I’m glad to see dropped from movies starring women so I can’t be mad about his exclusion.  Mulan doesn’t need a love interest. That’s not what her story was about.

I personally believe it’s because they got Chinese superstar Donny Yen for a major role, but didn’t want him to play the romantic lead. By splitting the character, Yen gets a meaty role for the Chinese market and Disney can ask an attractive young guy as the male romance for Mulan.

Let’s not forget the fact that SSRI’s are prescribed more often to women and hormonal birth control is only available for women. Both are likely to result in a sharp decline in sexual desire and likelihood of achieving orgasm. Try to find one study sponsored by a pharmaceutical company that is attempting to solve

As my married best friend says, the best female viagra would be a husband that does his share of the housework and parenting and a workplace that actually accommodates working mothers’ needs.

I think we as an entire society should look at our relationship with alcohol and probably steal drinks out of a lot of people’s hands. 

JK Rowling has the guts to point out that the Empress has no clothes, and that she’s really the Emperor. Are we really going to keep pretending it’s okay that Hannah Mouncey and Rachel McKinnon are competing against women in sports? Are we really going to keep pretending it’s okay that a rape crisis centrein Vancouver

Tired of this lie. Transwomen are actually more likely to commit crimes than be victims stats wise. Their death rates are far below biowomem

Terf really is the new c*nt or bitch. Kudos to woman haters and homophobes like Esther Wang to find a way to insult the people they’re bigoted against and still get woke points. Too bad for anti-feminists that the rest of us are catching on finally.

It's not. 

No, Maya says she uses preferred pronouns. She just said biological sex is real and women are oppressed as a sex class. 

I don’t see how its transphobic to point out that someone who lived 99% of their public life as a man doesn’t really understand the challenges women face.

More likely people threw bones they didn’t want to eat away from the fire and wolves who hung around were quick to pick them up. The ones who were too shy didn’t get any and the ones who were too aggressive got killed. Those inbetween were tolerated.

I went through puberty at age 9, so assurances that kids are not given hormones before puberty doesn’t provide peace of mind in any way, shape or form.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. The father sounds horrible and the mother saintly. But...and there is a but here...

Now playing

I don’t have much to add to this, but All That’s characteristically manic return included this fun sketch:

My initial parsing of the headline was that a hospital dressed as Wonder Woman stopped Gal Gadot. I’m not even drunk!

When we finally invade come to liberate you, our first strike force will not be French tourists out for a run. It will be French Canadians out for a cigarette break, and you will never get them to move.