
The rest of my family was in a forest fire once - it took out the cabins at our cottage (and all their summer clothes - they came home in bathing suits and running shoes), but not the main building. They talked nonstop about it for a week, really intensely, then that was it. I think it’s easier when you are in a

“First come, first served” worked.

Agreed. Someone bought it this morning, after contacting me this morning.

I added “first come, first served” and sold it this morning. Putting it out to the curb works better when you don’t have heavy rain (it poured yesterday afternoon), and more traffic (I’m on a dead-end street).

Yes, and setting a time that is sooner rather than later. Like within a couple of hours. I managed to sell it this morning after adding “first come, first served” to the ad.

Yeah, I need to be tougher next time. At least I sold it this morning.

Sure, the first time.

Thank goddess I just sold it. I think putting “first come, first served” made a big difference.

Last time I did this I had one guy forget to come by, but at least he was embarrassed and came by the next day.

I could use some advice on etiquette when selling things on the internet. I posted an ad for my dehydrator at a low price, and am getting people contacting me, but so far no one has actually come to see me/it. I keep thinking I should wait for the first one to buy/not buy before talking to the next person but then I

Maybe. Maybe they really like people who come across as people who can be bought. I never tried that. (I don’t think my acting skills are that good.) I just found that if I wasn’t 100% enthusiastic it was like I didn’t exist.

Also, I don’t think that someone who was aware of these issues would have been hired in the first place. They prefer their talent unquestioningly positive, no grumbling whatsoever. An actress who could see the sexism around her would not get the job.

It’s nonlinear. People who are under stress have a harder time losing weight (as a protection against famine, probably). Everything associated with the body is going to be nonlinear.

Not really. Obesity is often partly from stress, and partly from eating a cheap diet higher in calories than in nutrients. Poverty causes a lot of stress and bad eating, and often leads to living in areas where walking isn’t really feasible. Poverty causes a *lot* of health problems.

You mean two and a half phone books. The third one stopped the bullet! (Those are thick phone books, too.)

I don’t know about the US, but in Canada there are Friendship Centres you can go to to connect with indigenous culture. You can attend powwows. You can even watch live streaming of political meetings. (Anyone can do those things, actually, indigenous or not. I’ve done them, and I’m white.) There are avenues for

The obvious reason no one seems to have stated so far is that transgender trespasses on women’s territory (since traditionally most trans people have been mtf), while trans racial trespasses on POC of both sexes/all genders. Women are so low in status that invalidating femaleness as biology is NBD while invalidating

It wasn’t my first choice of script either. Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll use some of the other scripts later, once mainstream audiences have been broken in. Baby steps!

Comic book stories feed on each other, over and over again over the generations. And they have their roots in much older stories. Characters get copied from one company to another, etc. I’m sure there are plenty of examples of how Captain America was influenced by older material, too, and it’s probably fairly easy to