It’s also a well known fact that white flour isn’t really any better than sugar. How’s your flour consumption?
It’s also a well known fact that white flour isn’t really any better than sugar. How’s your flour consumption?
Ah, but do you eat ice cream after your workouts?
Why doesn’t she like plain water? Does it have a strong flavour where you are? Or is she just not that thirsty? If it were me, I’d just say, fine, get thirsty. Then at least you won’t need to pee as often. (Note that I’m still struggling with the message that juice is junk food. But, while I don’t like water, I don’t…
In the past, people argued for the necessity of prostitution, to channel evil pervs away from most women, but it hasn’t stopped rape or wife battery etc. The effect of porn on male violence depends on other factors (it *is* a risk factor for a subset of users), so I would assume the effect of video games would also…
Another risk for men who use these dolls is the same as for porn, in that they lose the ability to have an erection and/or orgasm with real women, because they become conditioned to the doll. (Some men might actually like that, but it would stress out a lot of them, and some of those men would take it out on women.)
You’d still have to deal with them at work.
My first lab coat, in high school: the woman at the lab coat store put me in a fitted lab coat (princess seams), so that’s what I (reluctantly) ended up buying, but it was really hard for me to raise my arms in that coat. I decided then and there to always hold out for the oversized man-styling so I could move. Also…
I think some parents manage to spend it anyway. There appear to be loopholes.
Sorry, I missed the sarcasm.
Don’t lie to your kid. They remember stuff on deeper levels even if they don’t remember it consciously, and they can tell when something’s off if you’re lying (and often get the reason wrong) and that can mess them up. Either get them the work, drawing a line where you absolutely stop, bank the money, and tell them…
Yeah, can we ban child labour already? I’m really tired of reading about child stars who crash and burn. It’s just not worth the risk.
On the Ottawa side it’s mostly anglophones, and you don’t need French. There are a lot of anglophones on the French side, too, in pockets. You can tell from the ads for apartments. That part of Quebec wasn’t part of New France, so the francophone roots don’t go as deep. There are some nice communities north of Ottawa.…
CBC website is good for Canadian news.
How often is all the time? I just had another pain attack (6-7 minutes of agony) and I’m thinking peeing would be easier. My room is next to the bathroom.
If your contact information is going to change, you need to let him know, once it happens. If your contact information stays the same, you don’t need to tell him anything about the move, unless he asks.
I keep the window open a crack even when it’s snowing out. It’s the only way I can sleep through the night. I’m lucky overheating is my only problem so far. (And I usually blame the woman down the hall who keeps cranking the heat up to 25°C, because sometimes it is totally her fault.)
I had a couple of kidney stones yesterday, or at least a couple of bouts of pain. The first one lasted about 15 minutes in the wee hours and was acute, and that’s typical for me. The second one was less painful but went on and on and on. The nurse at the nurse’s hotline told me to take tylenol or ibuprofin, so of…
I knew a Billy Murray who left a message with an extras casting agent using the name Bill Murray. He said she returned his call very quickly. (I think he left the message just before leaving the house for the afternoon on purpose. Sadist.)
Thanks! I need to remember to thank things as I unload them. I’m still working on getting rid of them, though, instead of putting them in the closet just in case. With the blouses I’m getting rid of, I cut them up and will make a pair of shorts with one and a blouse I like with the other two, so there at least I’m…
I had a tooth extracted on Tuesday. Upper back left. It seems to be healing on schedule, but it sure was hard to extract. Three roots, removed in four pieces, plus a piece of bone between two of the roots. I kept laughing during the extraction because of how ridiculous the whole thing was. (I have a small mouth and it…