Jalopnik: “Ban cars to save the planet!”
Also Jalopnik: “Buy some cheap Chinese garbage, pollute the planet!”
Jalopnik: “Ban cars to save the planet!”
Also Jalopnik: “Buy some cheap Chinese garbage, pollute the planet!”
A car website should argue that supercars are an artform to auto enthusiasts. They’re more than just waste and spectacle. They, as much as any other field-respective pinnacle, are an exhibition of the edge of innovation and technological achievement.
Have we really so blatantly bought in to “EV = saving the planet” that it’s going to produce more and more crap like this from online media?
How are you going to write this article for Jalopnik without including photos of the garage?
Not even a counterpoint. Just fact.
Counterpoint: it doesn’t
Is that where you landed on your “jump to conclusions” mat?
Better, but not much to feed the soul. Only the first generation had any beauty or personality. Then it was decade after decade of dull appliances.
My family was big into Corollas, with ‘77, ‘82, ‘87 and ‘03 in the mix. While the change in ‘83 may have been excellent engineering, my sister’s reaction when the used ‘87 replaced the used ‘82 really summed up the “fun-to-drive” impacts.
“virtually every way”. I don’t disagree given the caveat you provide. One way cars have actually and measurably gotten worse is owner/operator serviceability. Also repair costs. Also privacy issues.
I still say they belong in the ocean. It’s a safe and legal thrill.
I’m just trying to understand the thought to do this in a densely populated area containment vehicle or not. Things fail. People know this.
“Startup” + EV = OK, nothing to see here.
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