
I am missing the injustice here; she wants city services but not to pay city taxes. She admits to using the sewer lines but not paying the bills. They capped her sewer because she wouldn't pay to use it like all of her neighbors were. She's not in trouble for using solar power. She's in trouble for using an

"Inside every gay man is a fierce black woman!"

My favorite argument against this video is that Islam did not exist when Cleopatra was alive.


I think the actual artists who make work like this and the gallerists who show it generally don't have that attitude at all. The "haw-haw, you ignoramus" comments are indeed disgustingly classist, but they come from true assholes (not that there aren't plenty of artists and gallerists who are assholes) and people

Yes, I am female.
Yes, I have been stared at.
Yes, it made me uncomfortable.
Yes, I have been groped.
Yes, I have been cat-called.
Yes, I've been sexually assaulted.

I kinda dig modern art, and I love it when this happens. I feel like the art is in how people react to it. Especially the un-made bed. I mean, what does that say about art, and women, and cleanliness, that some random lady saw an unmade bed in an art museum, and decided it needed to be made up.

I'm fairly certain I "stare in a sexual way" every time I see a brownie.

She needs to change her story - cleaning it up and throwing it out was a performance piece!

Alternate headline: Gallery mistook trash as art.

When Putin came to see her in the team competition all I think about was how stressful that bad to be for her having him there. Of course, in my warped mind, any Russian athlete who does not perform to Vlad's standards is sent to the gulag or hung upside down by their toenails, so I might have been projecting.


That's great and all. Food is amazing. I just don't want to know about it, and I especially don't want to know about it right next to THAT FUCKING PHOTOGRAPH JESUS CHRIST.

Sure, sure. But the difference is that I'm right and they're wrong!

And the death threat to an ACTUAL LIVING SERVICE MEMBER is not in poor taste??

I actually have heard about female cells being made into sperm equivalents, so I guess you will have to enjoy your last days in the sun.

What's that? I can't hear you over my gender's relative lowered likelihood of having hemophilia. Awwww, yeah.

She's a College Republican.


"I reject all of this stupid, boring, outdated shit. I reject your numbers. I reject the idea that my personality is a negligible variable in the equation of my happiness. I reject the implication that you understand my relationship better than I do."