“You know, I really wish they would remake Point Break in the vein of The Dark Knight.” - No one
“You know, I really wish they would remake Point Break in the vein of The Dark Knight.” - No one
Beaker not in the top 5 is madness, therefore, WORST LIST EVER.
Cool, so I assume Gawker and all of it’s blogs will now stop writing 3+ articles every Monday recapping the show?
This response sums up Gawker PERFECTLY.
She was so hot in that....
Oh good! Another misogynistic film that fools people into thinking it’s actually women empowering? BIG PASS.
Now I know why VICE is doing better...
I still use only 2 dashes of bitters. I don't think it's wrong to use more, but I find it dilutes the alcohol a little bit too much for my liking
FINALLY a movie that us men can call our own!
Yes, but may I retort:
My dad turns 70 next year and my mom is in her mid-60s. Both are healthy for the most part, but I worry because my brother and I are a 5 hour plane flight away and know they both are going to get to the age where they'll need more help than they do now. My sister lives by my parents still, but I worry about the onus…
There is an Amazon ad to the left of this article that is advertising "Watership Down." It's like Amazon thinks, "Hey, wouldn't these cute red pandas be even more awesome if they were BRUTALLY MURDERED?!?! Only $22.99"
The first one I found terribly insulting and this one looks like they doubled down on that. Kind of bummed by all the love Jezebel has for it.
Please. Looks just as stupid and insulting towards women as the first one.
So. Many. Awkward. White. Men. Dancing.