Could be another marketing stunt, like the one you mentioned.
Could be another marketing stunt, like the one you mentioned.
Same here. I'd love a 4WD 5.3l. Only probably is the mandatory slush between the two.
Conversion rate != purchasing power.
Issuing currency ties directly into a central bank's economic policies. For example, printing money could be used to boost consumer spending. In fact, right now that's what Bernanke's doing with QE, "Quantitative Easing". That said, I don't want the Euros or the Japs making decisions on my currency. In fact, having…
Yeah but the patch panel sits just over the switch. Is a patch panel like a hub? I don't think I understand the purpose of it.
I strongly recommend a keyhole saw. Makes drywall a piece of cake. Can anyone describe the purpose of the patch panel to me? Why wouldn't just the switch work?
You're not screwing companies out of money. They're called "promotions". The whole idea of coupons is to get you to spend money.
Can I take a { and a ?? You can keep @, he's an asshole.
What's the tastiest part of an old person? Depends.
Well, if you like proprietary hardware, overpriced devices, hardware made by suicidal employees, and a total inability tweak the most minute things, then Apple's your choice.
Verizon is the exclusive owner of fiber optic lines?
Everything costs more in Australia. IIRC, minimum wage is $14 or $15 per hour.
You can blame the government for that. They'd rather make cars that absorb pedestrians better than drivers that avoid them in the first place.
You can always add more power. I want a real gearbox.
I know all of that, but buying disk space and configuring a server is a hell of a lot different than simply running Dropbox.
True, but the thing about Drop Box is it's clean and simple to use. So while a VPS would a direct replacement for you or me, I think the majority of users would be lost.
Except she's never won a NASCAR race. She's the only driver that will have a camera on their car while cruising along in 30th.
I'm saying there could be services that could take a fee and you'd give them your private keys and they would host a version of it. It's still decentralized from a technical standpoint, but you're paying someone for their disk space and bandwidth so you have an always online and synced copy.
Wow, this is awesome. Unlimited space is a huge selling point. One thing though, wouldn't you need to always have a computer with your files on to sync? Of course you could have services, like dropbox, that will hold files for you, when you give them your key.
The boats have an incredibly low center of mass. Plus a massive draft. Most harbors have a channel cleared in the floor for them. They need to take a specific route in-and-out of harbor.