
Sorry, but I shouldn't have to shell out more cash because the idiot behind me can't maintain a safe distance and/or pay attention.

So IIHS thinks that trailer manufacturers and owners should have to fork up more because other people can't drive? Seems about right to me.

DAE remember when we were all threatened with bans if we said what P.O.N.T.I.A.C. stood for?

How do you tell the difference between an actual signature and a duplicated image of a signature?

It was on top of a building. If anything, it fell on the building. Hardly scientific as well, with a sample size of one and an admitted bias before even testing.

Take Finland's licensing process. Make it stiffer.

Once I gave 2 weeks, solely as a courtesy to my coworkers. Other times I've given a few months when relocating. Employer and employee were quite happy with the arrangement so I wanted to give them as much of a heads up as possible.

With that rear (front?) end, it'd better be rallying or drag racing.

Did a double take at #10. Would make for an interesting episode, though.

I presume this design is for aerodynamics? Keeps turbulence from the mirrors from disrupting the airflow around the body?

a touch of opposte lock at the front.

Too expensive, and advertised performance gains are less than realized.

You've never heard the term "Southern Democrat"? What about "Solid South"?

To be fair, if you own the only car model around for hundreds of miles, I don't think you really need a license plate.

I've been to NHMS. IIRC, it's just long metal bleachers.

While I would consider this article journalism, I will agree most of Gawker seems to be C&P-ing links and writing a paragraph about it.

CP. Only good thing about a Chevette is it can take SBC engine swaps. So the owner swaps a V6.

Anybody else notice the caution that came right before Jeff Gordon started pushing water from the hot dog wrapper? Awful coincidental, especially since they never showed the piece of metal that the caution was called for. Wouldn't surprise me if NASCAR was turning into WWE.

:( I want to see a diesel Wankel now. Of course, those already exist, they're called "grenades".

A flat torque curve does not eliminate the need for a gear box (but does greatly decrease it). A flat power curve will, however.