Comparing corporal punishment to segregation. Hello apple, meet orange.
Comparing corporal punishment to segregation. Hello apple, meet orange.
I apologize that Kinja is not designed such that your disapproval of my comment and opinion do not affect the position of this thread on the page. I hope that my acknowledgment of and respect for your disapproval may serve as some amelioration.
I think it's worth exploring where people's sexual preferences come from. But condemning any specific preferences or painting it as inherently wrong to have preferences at all seems ridiculous to me. I have physical preferences for age, gender, coloring, and body type. I do not consider myself ageist, sexist, racist,…
Is there any real, tangible way female football fans can show Roger Goodell how grossly offensive his handling of…
Welcome to Kinja, Mr. Goodell.
"Um, Mr. Iger? There's a Roger Goodell holding on line 3. Says it's urgent."
If you read the comments chronologically and see how this argument developed then in all fairness amazonman and others critiquing Erin are not just out to lunch. Initial commentators did not accuse Erin of covering up white women's complicity in racism at all they simply pointed out that this protest was staged by…
These are all magnificent. As a Saints fan I had to make this contribution: This is from when he was taken out of the game in the 4th quarter in the Saints vs. Pats 2009 game. Unfortunately in this one he's not sitting on the ground, but his pouty face is still on point.
Thank you. This IS worth pointing out. As I said in my reply to Ryan: These images practically scream out for a gendered reading. It is not a coincidence that they are all of women. And it is not a coincidence that they all feature women conforming to the same standard of beauty. This is a hand-maidens of the…
I don't think she heard you from the set of her Lifetime Movie of the Week.
Dear God. I would make him teach me how to throw a tight, fast spiral then once I learned, promptly chunk one at his stupid, whiny face.
Oh, so it was just brevity! Silly me.
Not a popular opinion apparently, But I find the responses you are getting to your original comment (stating the blatantly obvious) very telling about the type of people who read this site.
A larger phenomenon that is not just white men. Plenty of comments on the Darrin Wilson fundraisers were white women, plenty of people at the "protests" in favor of were too.
You are getting needlessly defensive now. My point is relevant regardless of what that sentence was referring to. Nowhere else in your article did you specify these are largely white women, so I took the opportunity to.
So hot right now: white people showing support for white cops who kill unarmed black people.
Where's the beef?