Andrew Sickafoose

Nuclear waste is solid and is very concentrated and small in volume. Unlike CO2 which is so difficult to handle and in such large amounts that its just thrown into the atmosphere. Its a bit harder to move away from climate change effects.

It means that the Browns will, eventually, have to change their name.

oh no, just wait until Rajon learns the truth about his rollerskating pals

Shut up.

Dear Nerd,

If you are going to hang tanks on it, there goes your LO. The F-35 is not really a big part of this discussion, not sure how I am grasping, and 550mi CR is nothing when you talk about the Pacific Theater. We are ‘pivoting’ towards somewhere that we are not equipping to fight in. It is not an F-35 thing, it is a

If it can plug into GLONASS, it works, and its cheap, why bother developing something else?

The AWACS argument sounds suspect to me. First, AWACS has been around forever, so it was well established (and paid for) long before IRST became a viable technology. Since at least the mid-80s, AWACS has been as much about battle space management as it is directing airborne intercept. IRST is a point capability. AWACS

there really isn't any difference between the simulator and the actual aircraft.

Reactor, online, sensors, online, Weapons, online... All systems, nominal.

This article makes two very common mistakes about global population and human longevity. First, it assumes that the number of people on the planet will continue to expand so long as conception and food supply continue unchecked. Second it makes the incorrect assumption that life span and population are somehow

To oversimplify, acceleration has very little to do with torque. It's really horsepower that you care about, despite what you might have been led to believe. Engine torque as an accelerative force is a myth. Consider an F1 car - among the fastest-accelerating things you can find, where acceleration (lateral, driven by