
I feel like a lot of these full-time drivers are missing the point of Uber. It was originally conceived as a way to make some extra cash on top of a regular job, not to replace a full-time job entirely. Also, buying/leasing a new car just to drive for Uber isn’t exactly a wise choice. What I tell people is to find out

I thought we called it Takata Airbag

Does any reasonable person think that you’re going to shitpost from a government account and Trump is going to allow it to continue? Seems reasonable to me to ask them to stop posting on Twitter until further notice.

Hail to our glorious new leader!

Quite... In fact there are man portable HF systems running off a few lithium packs, solar and a portable wire antenna, for under 25 pounds you too can carry around a worldwide infrastructure independent communications system.

But otherwise wouldn’t the plow be pushing the snow into oncoming traffic?

Bow to da plow da bang da bang diggy diggy diggy shake the boogie said up jump the oh wait that’s not what we’re doing is it.

Quantum physics is my hobby and I voted for Trump, so now Anarchy84 has been proven to be ignorant and obsolete. :p

While you feel like an absolute moron it is obvious that you are ignorant, incapable of thinking for yourself, besides also possibly being a moron. Nor can you realize that other voters think for themselves and aren’t going to put up with your B.S. I assume your middle initial stands for F-off, and you’ve heard it

Nature is often hard to understand for the lay reader. Speaking of which, I’ve got some politically conservative colleagues who’ve been published in Nature who I’m pretty sure voted for Trump... Maybe I should go ask them if they got all confuzzled by real news?

Aaaaaand there it is. Not even a scientific article could spare us from the incessant anti Trump barrage of opinions. Good thing you found the proper outlet to let everyone know your political opinions. Were Gawker and the Washington Post running low on real news?

Well, most of us consider you a moron also. Good luck with your coloring books in your safe space though. Now the adults are in charge.

Definitely NOT a good idea to be leaving keys in an unattended car.

Definitely NOT a good idea to be leaving keys in an unattended car. But I find it kind of odd that the officer decided to write a ticket when it seems like a warning would have sufficed. This is the kind of thing that reinforces the idea of there being a “ticket quota”.

The signal... it’s coming from inside the house!

Now I understand how they curl the ramen to fit in the package!

This is actually a great idea. Why can’t we pump helium into the fuselage of real commercial jets? 

Typically as with most coned off road work areas on dual carriageways and motorways, there is nobody there to stop them.