
I just did. When it prompts you with payment there is a button that says "Use Microsoft Points"

That was awesome. But I am going to require photos of the crash site to determine if we need to worry about an alien invasion.

Oh my god, this had me in tears.

what's that from?

i agree, i was so excited that i thought i was going to get more of the rehash MOH from 2010 that i preordered MOH warfighter 6 months before it came out... only to play the beta 2 weeks before release, head to Gamestop and reclaim my preorder "no, yr wrong gamestop guy, it sucks. give me my $64.50 back"


comments like that keep my internet hopes high

Dear God, I want this app right now.

$64.95? geez, that'd be like $150 nowadays

I don't know, that's a case. This is really just a clip on the back of yr iPhone. I love the minimalism of it.

Damn, that's just genius. How have i never stumbled upon this combination of awesome? It's like you just up and removed the frattiness of it all.

absolutely love this, #cotd

I my memory serves me correctly, that's what she said.

That song is from "The Fragile". He made that album from 1996-1999... That might be why it sounds like 1996. It's definitely not a new song made for the game.


#comment of the day nomination... can i even do that since i'm not starred?

t-rexes havin' sexes.

whaat? awesome, it's like voice-controlled wolfram alpha

& @Iowa11 best two corrections i've ever seen