Whiplash was really a dumb villain, why couldn't they just keep him as the Crimson Dynamo?
Whiplash was really a dumb villain, why couldn't they just keep him as the Crimson Dynamo?
Calling it - Quill's father is Starfox (he's an angel to Peter's mom, but the Ravengers think he's a jerk.) Dreamcasting: Hugh Grant.
Great list. All minutiae bickering aside, every one of these entries is an anime milestone.
Love Dragon*Con — it's much more fan-centric and less studio-dominated. We'll be there this year.
I'm just not feeling it for this film. I loved the last Sin City film, and have read the books, but for some reason, I don't have any interest in this film. I'll still drag myself to go see it in theaters, but I just feel it's 8 years too late....
It was a shame but Lucas NEVER MADE A PREQUEL. That is the story and I intend to stick to it.
Gosh, I can only imagine how adorable you must have been a decade ago when it looked like they might actually make a fourth Indiana Jones movie.
Colbert came out in in his costume as the Master of Laketown, from his movie cameo...
It's certainly an alien taste, think pickled plums to popcorn. But have no doubt, this is a cinematic masterpiece. It's no Rehashed 80's property. Id' say it's worth at least $14.
My first working headline: Brett Ratner's Hercules Is A Stack Of Shit Pancakes
See it in theatre. Forget the plot, it is just beautiful to watch.
AND THE RECIPES! Between the grotesque-but-oh-so-artistic arrangements of bodies and the very instructive and intriguing cooking scenes, I feel like I keep switching the channel, but it's all so dazzling! Disturbing! Dazz-sturb-ling!
To me it's an homage to the 8-bit/16-bit era in the same way Scary Movie 5 is an "homage" to horror movies.
That episode was just....gah.
Too bad Trevor Howard had to take his place. I'm not his biggest fan or anything, but I did think he was better for the part of Rhodey than Cheadle.
I feel this strange sensation in my stomach. I can't place it. It seems familiar...and yet...
a British 90s rom com at that
This picture makes him look like a composite image of Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.
Irene actually wrote an article about the whole thing for Vulture not too long ago.