
errrmm maybe she was due a $50,000 salary and a $200,000 bonus if she had gotten her review on time?

Got to agree. Was this on the clock so to say or off the books. Maybe it was a sexual situation or something?

So are you never supposed to notice what a nice butt the girl from accounting has or are you never supposed to talk about?

feminist have been bitterly fighting about that for a very very long time. Look up the feminist sex wars.
The answer is it is all sexist.

That is Mortal Kombat... get it right!

The cops don't care about real stalking and harassment, what makes anyone think online stalking would get more attention?

... even ignoring the sexism here, what kinda moron gets pissed at attractive women getting dressed up in sexy fun outfits?

I bet you are the sort of person who hates going to the beach and seeing bikinis.

You call that death threats? I get worse online for simply saying Sonic the Hedgehog is not sexy. I am starting to wonder if that sexist bit about women being delicate flowers unsuited for internet discourse is true.

No Anita has never tried to pass laws to restrict anything, but other members of her ideology have many times.

The burden of proof (onus) in a debate lies with the claim-maker and if he or she does not meet it then the opponent does not need to argue against the unfounded claim.

It is not intellectually dishonest, asking for a counterargument however is.

They do in a small town. I was walking with my wife when this one lady pushing a stroller said to us as me passed, "How are you doing today". I don't know about you but this harassment has to stop.

This never got approved?

Not getting paid cash for works sucks... only thing worse is taking away even that option.

As far as I care they should be tossed in with all the other sexist crap.

Why not? lots of feminists disagree on lots of different things. Her body her choice is a very common argument about if they want to keep a kid... why not about if they want to have a kid? Why should a women have to tell a man if she is on the pill. Is he in control of her body? I think we all agree it is screwed up

Honestly this is really cool. If I had abs like that I would show them off all the time. I would kill to look like some of those guys.

Ohh was he a rapist? Maybe he was just the wrong ethnic group? Maybe he was just gay and they assumed that this would also make him a rapist. Maybe he was just a innocent man who was stoned to death.

Well that is a shocker... originally from Iran you say?
This is why everyone must demand proof of guilt. If anyone thanks that part can be skipped then they are a monster.

"The Little Twerker That Should Not"

If this was some other site doing this story about a woman Jezebel and many other feminists would be up in arms. There are MRA's out there with more empathy then this.