ridiculous. nobody ever does tempura carrots or onions on their own. gross.
ridiculous. nobody ever does tempura carrots or onions on their own. gross.
N.B.: the victims weren’t teenage girls. Josh Duggar was 14, and he was the oldest.
seconded! and i love that she refers to her child as “Little Poo.”
UGH. bitch needs to lay off the Ayn Rand. yeesh.
this was a great article, but i wanted to comment that the lead graphic is particularly spot-on and eye-catching. all this fantastic advice that i truly needed to read, and yet i wouldn’t have even clicked on it were the Red Riding Hood artwork not so compelling. brilliant and effective.
“. . . she didn’t apply to Columbia.”
right? then some big black dude in army fatigues would get nose-to-nose with them and be all “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR MAMA!? LOOK AT YOUR MAMA! LOOK AT HER!!! SHE’S WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU! DO YOU THINK YOU’RE COOL? DO YOU THINK YOU’RE TOUGH!? YOU AIN’T NUTHIN!!!” while all the mothers sobbed into their kleenex.
don’t forget the out-of-control teens who got screamed at by drill sergeants and sent to boot camp!
there is NO EXCUSE for posting this article accompanied by that photo of creepy-ass dolls.
hooray! nothing beats being validated by The Rock and/or Citizen Kane applause gifs. :D
hey Madonna:
agree 100%. Madonna’s desperate social media fails have nothing to do with her age, or the shape of her body. it’s all of her bragging and boasting about her #unapologetic #rebelheart (when Chelsea Handler, et. al. did this last year with CURRENT, non-professional, non-airbrushed, spontaneous, candid and UNCENSORED…
you mean YOU are not spending the night with me? i dunno man, Hans Christian Andersen is a pretty weak consolation prize. :\
i couldn't give two fucks about these Disney teens and tweens, but i first saw Zendaya on an episode of Project Runway a few years ago and was dazzled by her elegance, maturity and grace. not to mention she is just STUNNING. definitely not your typical Disney teen clone-bot.
you win the entire internets for "peener yogurt"
no questions here, just wanted to say that YOU'RE MY HERO. seriously.
also, in case it hasn't already been posted (sorry, i'm on a tablet and am too lazy/annoyed to scroll):
IKR!? when i use the word "nigger," i mean it in an ASIAN way!