AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

If they can allow a war criminal like Oliver North to have a show, they're hardly going to be bothered by lying.

I don't think that this is about who lied the worst, I think this is more a piece about how O'Reilly is throwing stones at glass houses by lambasting Williams all week long when he, himself, had been lying about experiences all along, and calling him on the bullshit.

When my father-in-law dies, it will be in his recliner, the TV blaring FoxNews, and his face in a death-mask of rage over Chemtrails or how Planned Parenthood is funded through the sale of Thin Mints.

Even I know that. I always get my loofah without onions.

Also, is anti-colonialism some kind of problem?! COLONIALISM WAS AND IS A TREMENDOUS EVIL, RUDOLPH. I want to staple a copy of King Leopold's Ghost to Giuliani's stupid face.

Oh, dear...

From the point of view of a non-American, I think that Obama's more subdued form of patriotism makes him more respected internationally than other presidents have been.

I'm just going to leave all my side eye here.

So... we shouldn't teach history, just nationalist propaganda. We shouldn't teach literature, except maybe some Ayn Rand. We shouldn't teach science unless we act like theology counts as science. And we definitely shouldn't be teaching critical thinking skills. But we must teach our kids math so we can outshine those

I'm an English teacher and this pisses me off, too. Without history, how do I teach literature? I guess we will just start reading Huck Finn without discussing racial oppression, and we'll look at Gatsby but gloss over social inequality and the fucked-upness that is the American Dream.

damn it

As a history teacher this makes me shake with rage. Fox commentators thinking history doesn't matter because they get bummed out having to think about slavery and the extermination of Native Americans is textbook white privilege.

AP History made me the man-hating, fancy-job-having feminist harpy I am today! Whoo hoo!

Its ok to be boring, I polished my nails for the first time in about 6 months the other day.

One of my greatest joys while reading Jezebel (and avoiding work) is imagining that you are a 60 year old man who voraciously pecks each letter one at a time.

like ok euro christians came in and tried to take stuff over but like muslims could have just not fought back

I suspect many of these self-proclaimed "patriots" don't love actual America either. They're in lust with the idea of an all-powerful white Christian mecca.

l i t e r a l l y whet

I still pay a whopping $3 dollars for my birth control. THREE DOLLARS. That's MY money, you fat cats! On mats! Playing with rats!