AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

Rand Paul an eye doctor, I doubt he see too many kids to be able to judge on their health.

I love you, Adultosaur


With the Hound as Secretary of Defense because obviously.

Nice troll attempt. She has no health problems. She is a better candidate now thanks to her experience as Secretary of State under the man she lost to and she's not terribly divisive. She also tends to out-poll any Republican challenger.

>I know I can't really vote for another Clinton, especially after Obama largely pulled from their pool for his cabinet.

How is this any different than any other year when there's a clear frontrunner from one party or the other? Were George H.W. Bush or Al Gore accused of scaring off good female (or male) candidates when they ran as sitting vice-presidents?

I am not interested in a president who is scared off by their competitors, regardless of gender. So this kind of works out well.

Well if women are scaring off male candidates then by following the same myth of meritocracy most misogynists like to believe those male candidates weren't so good whatsoever.

This is such a dumb article, I'm going to focus instead on how much it would make me giggle if a senator named Whitehouse ran for president.

This is just the dumbest shit I have ever read.

Unless someone I'm not thinking of comes along and runs I think she has the best shot of the Dems to take the White House. I rather like her. She seems like a sensible lady, rather tough, with an impressive running history. I know a lot of people like to try and shit on her for her time as Secretary of State,

Quote from the article:

Mr. Baker, as a man, I fail to see the problem with having multiple highly-qualified women candidates. If a strong woman scares a man who is considering a run for office from pursuing it, I think that says a hell of a lot more about the quality of the male candidate than the female candidate.

Ed Westwick once approached my group of friends at a bar and asked my friend Leslie if she'd step outside for a cigarette. Her response, I will never forget, was "Eh, I'm good."

Nope, I love your 9 year old self. Screw security, you were awesome!

They filmed the courthouse scene of People vs Larry Flynt in the town I lived in. I was working at the best restaurant in town and my co worker is a descendent of William Faulkner. Woody is a huge Faulkner fan and wanted to hang out with her so we got to chill with him after closing. Also, same night, Courtney walks

met Nelson Mandela a month before he passed away

Better late than never, and most definitely should've posted this story sooner but here it goes. I do promise this will make you smile.

I spent an incredibly surreal Father's Day dinner seated with my parents at a table next to OJ Simpson, his older daughter, the two kids he had with Nicole Brown, his mother, and some girlfriend that was probably younger than his oldest daughter.