AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

I'm not in the camp that says if you think abortion isn't always OK you can't be pro-choice. I think pro-choice people include those who might disagree with abortion on a personal level but also think the government shouldn't be in charge of that decision.

MyOcean wasn't just talking about actual child care, if I understand the comment correctly. The commenter was talking about the social safety net for kids. Anti-abortion House Republicans voted to slash the Women, Infants, and Children program. (That program helps people in poverty buy things like formula, food, and

That's right! Put down that juice box and quit crying about the scary billboard. We weren't specifically targeting you, so suck it up!

I know everyone has their right to an opinion about abortion, but for some reason male pro-lifers bother me the most. The audaciousness of a random dude judging, shaming, and telling all women what to do with their bodies and their lives is just so infuriating and creepy as hell.

It's murder, at any stage.

I understand your perspective just fine. Talk about babies all you want but you hate women who have sex and do nothing but try and kill them. You do nothing FOR living children. In fact, you guys vote against anything that would enable women to plan their pregnancies and manage their fertility, because you don't

I think they would experience glee knowing the woman died. The slut deserved it. That's the kind of monster we are dealing with.

You know, if we were just going by gruesome surgery photos, you could make appendectomies look evil. Man was born with his appendix and he should die with his appendix!

It's worth noting that the person she called at CDC might have just been some schmuck who wasn't a doctor or nurse and was basically answering questions off of an FAQ. The CDC is still at fault for not having a special call-in number for the nurses (or at least an order to direct their calls to someone with more

Ebola wouldn't have been my first choice to fight the Wedding Industrial Complex, but it certainly seems effective.

I wonder if Bob the Chef was cooking and waiting at a different restaurant and wondering why his friend the dude never showed up.

Ugh, Scott Walker. Nothing brings out the aggressive-aggressive out of the normally passive-aggressive midwesterner like that guy. People always like to say that WI and MN are 'purple' states but it's only because bright blue and bright red are right next to each other.

Having met the man a few times, I can attest to the fact that he's really a nasty little dullard who's been selling his soul to the highest bidder for so long he really has no sense of what wrong or right really is. Amazing how a cheating college dropout who's never had a job in the private sector can, in the lovingly

I concede that a lot of people voted for Scott Walker, but you can't deny that having that level of financial backing isn't a huge leg up. Plus, there were all those accusations of voter fraud.

My mother and aunt drove how many miles in rural WI to sigh the recall petition and actually purchase anti-Walker signs because they FUCKING HATE THIS GUY. My aunt doesn't hate anyone or anything. She's a retired school teacher who carries candy in her purse, gets $2 bills for my kids, and drinks beer like a frat

I'm spamming this link everywhere I can...

I had that talk with my mother recently. She was giving me and my sister the "bootstraps" talk while using her own life, as an immigrant, as an example. We had to remind her of the variety of government services that she required to get to where she is. It apparently was something she had never thought of. I think we

wow perfection has been reached